surprise guest(6)

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     I open the door and to my surprise it's the girl. She surprised me quite a lot. Huh a surprise guest. "eliza hi! you're not dressed properly for school..? well hurry up then or we'll be late!" she smiles brightly at me and i nod not feeling like arguing about attending school today. I get dressed and grab my school bag i shove in a bag of pepperoni and bread to eat at lunch i don't really care.

   "Alright let's get going then!!" she smiles even brighter than before almost makes me smile too she grabs my hand and drags me out the door. We don't talk much on the way to school and she just sort of stays silent but it's an okay silence. I don't really mind her company all that much. "would you like a pepperoni slice?" she stares at me confused but nods and i hand her a slice she smiles eating it.

We finally arrive at school surprisingly early its 7:42 school starts at 8:00. "eliza ezra how are you? I was so worried about whether or not you made it home safely" i ignore the voice and think. ezra..? that's her name hm. "eliza" i hear the voice again and finally realize its jonah. I nod pretending to hear him. In the end we decided to head to our homerooms. red hair girl or ezra i guess and jonah have class together so i'm on my own.

In homeroom the teacher just talks about more boring stuff i don't really care all that much about something about a dance in 3 weeks. I probably won't attend school events just don't seem all that amusing. I boy taps my shoulder and asks for a pencil i pause for a second wondering why he's asking me who doesn't even know he is before grabbing one. The bell rings and he leaves. He stole my fcking pencil. I liked that pencil. The rest of day goes like any other day i get home and see my mother at the table.

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