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My brother Alex short for Alexander may be the kindest human being in the world. I have never loved someone more than him he was the reason I could stand to be at home.

Alex is is 7 years older than me. He is currently or was a freshman in college. Alex may be the only human in the world where I have only good memories with. 

Alex is kind even when its not necessary. Even when the world is not kind toward him he chooses to continue being kind toward everyone. Alex is the type of person to hold the door open. For everyone. He helped me with my homework he'd play games with me he would distract me when mom and dad were arguing he fed me he took me out. He did everything for me.

Alex is kind even though he has not had the best life. I remember one bad memory with Alex. I had walked into our room after my mom had picked me up early from school because i had thrown up she was angry and I didn't want to deal with her. I open the door to find my brother. He was on a stool. "what is he doing" I remember thinking before i looked up. He had a belt in his hand. I was 10 when this happened.  

I remember being so horrified I called my mom she began to cry. This was one of the two times i had seen my mother come back after my family fell apart. It was her. It wasn't that horrible lady who would yell at me. I thought she was back for good. I was so wrong. The second time was two years later. A few months ago.

My brother was stabbed. He was at a bar when this happened i remember how horrible I felt when I heard the news. I was in school. I had been called to the office where I found my mother. She looked like a mess, worse than usual. When she told me I nearly vomited. I couldn't breathe i don't understand why anyone would do that to someone as kind as my brother. I hated the person who had done it. His reason? "I just wanted to his face annoyed me" What kind of selfish asshole would just stab someone because of how they looked. Without thinking who would lose him. He took away my main reason for living. I hated him How could he do something so awful...

A/N motivation gone :)

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