High Council.

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Iris pov:

"Bruh, berapa lama aku nak kena berdiri nie?." I thought and sigh tiredly. I looked at the front and one of the male group said something "Assalamualaikum, Form 4" So we answered back "Waalaikumusalam.."

"LEMBIK! KATA ANAK JANTAN. ASSALAMUALAIKUM FORM 4!" Seriously that motherfliper didn't saw me? I looked at the group quietly and suddenly heard a boy who's holding a walkie-talkie talk "amacam, clear?"

I heard another boy who's on the other line said "clear clear Mr.Sin tugas malam nie. Aku rasa sempat lagi sebatang lagi tu"

"Even warden tak layan? Seriously?." I thought while looked down. The boy who's holding a walkie-talkie smirked at the leader. "Dah tu tunggu apa lagi? Njet-steng semua!" The leader yelled

"sakit sial telinga aku, dah lah sensitive" I winced and surprisingly Naim saw it "kau okay tak?" He whispered at me so i nodded. He smiled at me and looked back at the front.

I looked around and saw all the Form 4 bend down a little and held out their hand. So I followed them confusingly.
"Nasib mama training aku sebelum masuk sekolah" I thought proudly.

"Selamat datang ke Tingkatan 4." The leader walked around slowly "Tahun bulan madu.." He scanned around and smirked "Tahun lapang di antara 2 Peperiksaan awam" He patted the one of the Form 4's head and continue walked around.

"Tahun korang semua menjadi Seniors of the Juniors" He walked to the next person and looked around "kepada semua Form 4 yang baru." I looked at him quietly and wondering what the hell is going on.

"Selamat datang ke Kudrat!" He said and smirked "Tempat lahirnya armada lelaki-lelaki Melayu..terakhir." He continued

"Pergh, nanti nak makan apa ek" I wondered and smiled a little "Nasi lemak pasti nya" I answered my own question in mind

"Dekat sini, korang semua akan diuli, diketuk, dan ditarah! Untuk menjadi lelaki yang kental, kuat, dan berguna untuk masyarakat." He said.

"Jantan ni memang tak nampak aku ke apa mentang-mentang lah aku pendek." I thought while glaring at him.

"Melalui langkah-langkah yang tertera   dalam moto sekolah kita." He walked around "Taat, Tabah, maka teguh" he looked at the same student he patted earlier.

"Korang taat dengan tradisi Kudrat, Tabah mengharumi tradisi Kudrat yang mencabar.." I looked at the Form 4 and saw one of them was tired while doing njet-steng.

The leader continue his speech "Keluar daripada Kudrat, teguh bersedia hadap dunia.." "aku pasti Form 4 baru yang daftar semalam. Terpinga-pinga" He said "Apa yang korang semua tengah buat kat sini!"

He pointed at the group who were went down and smirked "Sapa budak-budak Form 5 yang ada dekat depan korang nie" I thought "the most troublesome group"

The leader went up the ladder and looked at us "Kitaorang high council tahun ni" He touched his badge that's on his collar and smirked "Dan aku Kahar, Kapla High Council.. Tahun ini Kudrat kitaorang yang punya" He licked his lips and smirked.

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