Something isn't right..

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3rd pov:

Fakhri zoned out, thinking about Kahar's deal. "Habis tu, kau nak buat apa?" Ayam asked him with Ikhsan beside him with his hands on his waist.

"Tak, tak ada apa" Fakhri looked at Ayam "Aku dah janji dengan bapak aku yang aku takkan gaduh. Nanti aku call lah bapak aku guna phone public"

Ayam rolled his eyes and Fakhri continued "Pastu, aku cakaplah phone aku kena curi ke apa ke" Ayam put his hand on his chin, thinking.

Suddenly, Ayam has an idea "tak pun, apa kata kau selesaikan dengan Kahar" Ikhsan looked at them silently.

Ayam bent down in front of Fakhri and smirked "Yalah, sepanjang hidup aku kat sekolah ni, kau je lah harapan aku untuk tengok Kahar kena tibai"

Ayam looked at fakhri closely and sadly Fakhri rejected the request "dahlah" He get up and went to bed.

Ikhsan also followed what Fakhri's doing. "Fakhri" Ayam called out his name. "Hei, Jimat RM200 kot" He said but Fakhri didn't even care.

Time Skip= The Next Day

3rd pov (again):

There's a girl who's getting yelled at by her father "kau tahu tak line kat dalam tu tengah panjang sekarang ni?" Her Father said angrily.

The girl rolled her eyes annoyingly. "Pergi masuk!" Her father yelled. She went in without looking at her father.

"Kalau kau bagus sangat, buat apa tunggu kat sini?" He said annoyed. The girl didn't answered. She went to get in but her father stopped her "Mia!" Mia looked at him "ya" "kau dengar tak?" Her father asked

"dengar" she said and rolled her eyes. "Dengar apa?" Her father asked. "Dengar, abah." She said without emotion. Mia rolled her eyes again and went in the kitchen.

On the very long line, there's them Naim and Iris. Naim was first taking a food. "Kak, saya nak ayam bahagian ni" he pointed at the chicken.

Mia looked at him annoyed "yang mana?" She leaned forward which makes Naim uncomfortable but ignored it anyway.

"Yang ni" he pointed again. She pointed the other chicken with her middle finger which annoyed Naim. "Yang ni ke, yang ni?" She pointed again and again. "Apa masalah betina ni lah" Naim thought while looked at Mia angrily.

Iris at the back, looking around and saw Ariz looking at her in a creepy way "apa salah aku dho" she looked at the plate she was holding.

Mia takes the chicken and put it on Naim's plate "sama-sama" she said sarcastically. Naim glared at her and went to the table that Amirr choose.

The next person is Iris, Mia looked at her, surprised "perempuan..?" Iris smiled and wave "hi akak!" Mia smiled back and leaned forward towards Iris.

"Nama sapa..?" Mia asked while looked at Iris "Iris Emelda! You?" "Mia je" she gives Iris a chicken with the soup to her plate "thanks akak!"

Mia winked at her "you're welcome!" Once Iris went away, Mia's smiling face went away to unbothered. "Kau nak ayam jugak?" The next person nodded nervously.

Naim said something "Asal dho minah tu" Iris took a seat beside Amirr and smiled at him which Amirr smiled back.

They all eat together quietly...until..someone sit beside Naim.

"Naim, kau boleh tolong aku tak?" Kahar asked "sorry dho, barang kau tak sampai lagi. Nanti aku cari tukang baru" Naim said with his mouth full of food.

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