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3rd pov:

It's been 2 hours and Iris is still not waking up. Naim and Amirr started worrying about her. Amanda looked at them softly "Naim, Amirr..Jangan risau. Iris just kumpulkan tenaga dia saja"

Naim looked at Amanda "macam mana kalau tak risau kalau Iris tak bangun-bangun lagi" Amirr holds Iris hand softly.

Amanda pointed the wings that is behind Iris "itu" Naim and Amirr looked at the wings.

"Dia bidadari ke?" Amirr asked which makes Amanda giggles "tak lah, dia di experiment kan oleh scientist yang professional" Naim looked at her.

"Jadi nya macam dalam cerita Stranger things lah?" Amanda looked at him and nodded. "Yup, just dia ada sayap" Amirr and Naim 'ooh'.

Suddenly they heard voice "aduh, sakit siak belakang aku" they turned their head towards the voice and saw Iris stretching her body with her wings followed.

"Woah, memang betul lah sayap tu" Amirr admired the wings which makes Iris stops what she's doing.

She looked and Amirr who's holding her hand and looked Naim who's smiled at her and lastly towards Amanda who's waving at her.

"Dah bangun? Permaisuri" Amanda said Iris looked at both of the boys in horror. "Jangan risau, kitaorang tak bagitahu sapa-sapa" Amirr tried to calm her down.

Iris's gaze softened and sigh "bagus lah, berapa lama aku pengsan?" Amanda told her "2 jam, nampak nya kamu dah cergas balik."

Iris nodded and smiled at Amirr and Naim "Thank you sebab tolong aku. I appreciate it" they both blushed a little and smile "You're welcome"

Amanda looked at them "kamu semua dh boleh keluar dh sebab dh masa lunch" they all nodded and said 'goodbye' . Iris quickly wore her hoodie and went out followed by the boys.


Iris pov:

While we were walking Naim told us something "korang gerak dulu, aku ada benda nak buat" Amirr and I looked at each other and then nodded.

Once we're at my dorm, I looked at Amirr and smiled "Thank you dho sebab teman kan aku" Amirr told me

"tak per, aku tak nak kau sorang-sorang since kau sorang jer perempuan kat sekolah nie"

I nodded and said goodbye to Amirr and went in my dorm. Making sure my door locked and after that i took off my hoodie and sit on my bed.

"Nak buat apa ek" I looked around and saw my old Guitar. I went to grab it and sit back down on my bed.

I'm started strumming the guitar and sing some songs..

(I give a lyrics don't worry!)

~you can start now!~

You have my heart,
And we'll never be worlds apart.
Maybe in magazines,
But you'll still be my star.
Baby, 'cause in the dark,
You can't see shiny cars.

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