Oh shit

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3rd pov:

At treatment room:

"Tak perlu risau, sebab dia just perlu kan rehat" the nurse said Naim and Amirr sigh in relief that is not bad.

"Kamu berdua dah boleh pergi ke kelas, nanti Miss Fanizah marah pulak kan?" They nodded and said 'thank you'. Then they went to class.

The nurse looked at them. Once they leaves the nurse locked the door and sigh. "Apa lah nak buat dengan dia ni" she looked at Iris who was resting.

The nurse went to Iris and rubbed her head "Kalau mak kamu tahu nie, risau dia.." The nurse sigh and take off Iris hoodie let the wings spread out.

"Kamu tak sepatutnya simpan sayap kamu nie lama-lama..sebab tu lah jadi macam nie" The nurse place the hoodie in the locker. She looked at Iris one last time and went back to her work.

Phone was ringing which make the nurse alerted. She looked at the phone and saw Iris mother calling. She picked up.

"Rosa, ada apa ek?" "Amanda! Anak saya okay tak?" The nurse name, Amanda looked at Iris nervousness placed on her face. "Dia okay je, Rosa. Dia kat dalam kelas" "Oh! Bagus lah macam tu! Nanti cakap dekat dia yang cuti sem nie saya tak der. Sebab ada urusan, boleh?"

Amanda smiled nervously and answered "yes, I will. Rosa!" "Good! now, I'm so sorry for disturbing your work" "No no! Its fine!" "Well then, goodbye and said hi to Iris for me!" Amanda said 'yes' and called ended.

Amanda looked at Iris and sigh. "Sekarang, time untuk continue kerja" she continued her work.

Naim pov:

I was walking with Amirr until i heard cheering and clapping. I went towards the sound and saw fakhri and kahar fighting with each other.

"Kau pergi dulu, nanti aku follow" Amirr looked at me and nodded. Once he walked away I went in.

I watched them fighting each other quietly. Kahar kicked Fakhri on his waist makes him fell down..

Kahar smirked. Fakhri breathing heavily and get up. And again they started punching again. Kahar was about to kicked Fakhri but hakeem stop him.

And got kicked by the ball "ouch" i thought.

"Kau kenapa sial?" Kahar holding hakeem. "W..w..war..warden" hakeem stuttered in pain. Kahar looked at him panicking and worried.

Kahar picked hakeem up and pointed to Fakhri "Nasib kau baik." And after that he wore his clothes and went out with hakeem in his arm.

I got out too and went to our dorm. "Apa jadi?" Amirr asked me. "Kahar dengan Fakhri gaduh" I answered.

"Kau rasa Iris okay tak sebab dia selalu pengsan bila ader benda tak kena" I looked at him and thought "betul jugak kalau macam tu. Tak kan orang boleh pengsan just kalau ader benda tak kena."

"Amirr, ikut aku jap." Amirr looked at me puzzled but followed anyways. We went to treatment room and knocked on the door.

Amanda pov:

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