Woody and Pippa try to Escape

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[Woody and Pippa unfreeze and runs to the door of the apartment and jumps up, but they can't reach the handle as it's too high for them. They turn to the window, climbs the chair, jumps onto the window still, and opens the blinds. They look down in shock to see that they're high up from the ground and at the top floor]

Woody: Andy!

[Down below, Al is getting into his car]

Al: I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work. On a Saturday. All the way to work!

[He drives off to his toy store which is only a 10-second drive away from his apartment]

[Woody and Pippa run to a vent and they strain to move a screw, but it won't budge so they try pulling the vent]

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