Woody and Pippa VS Jessie and Soren

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[Woody and Pippa turn to Jessie and Soren angrily and opens their glass cases to jump down to confront them]

Woody: What is both of your problems?! Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you two didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that.

Jessie: What? You think I did that?

Pippa: Oh. Right, right. Yeah, the TV just happened to turn on. And the remote magically ended up in front of you two!

Soren: You callin' me a liar?

Woody: Well, if the boot fits.

Jessie: [Dangerously] Say that again.

Pippa: [Enunciating] If the booT. FitS.

Soren: Okay, cowboy and narrator... [Bullseye hides in a Woody's Roundup cookie jar as Jessie and Soren lunge at Woody and Pippa and begins to fight them] How do ya like that?! Take it back! TAKE IT BACK!

Woody: Don't think just 'cause you're a girl and boy! I'm gonna take it easy on ya! (yells)

Stinky Pete: Jessie! Soren! Woody! Pippa!  You stop this at once! Ohhhh!

[He and his box fall off a stand and onto the floor of the cupboard]

[They lift Stinky Pete's box up]

Phillip: I don't know how that television turned on. But fighting about it isn't helping anything.

Pippa: If I had both my arms.

Stinky Pete: Well? The fact is, you two don't. Woody and Pippa. So I suggest you two just wait until morning. The cleaner will come. Fix both of your arms.

Woody: And then? I'm outta here! [Bullseye lowers his head sadly by Woody and Pippa] Oh. No. No. Bullseye. Don't take it that way. It's just that Andy and Maddie...

Jessie: Andy. Andy. Andy. And now Maddie. That's all he ever talks about. You know?

[She and Soren walk away with an arm on Bullseye, leaving Woody and Pippa alone with sad sighs.]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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