Woody's Roundup and OC Story Intros

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[Bullseye pushes a tape inside a tape player and Jessie uses her boot to press the remote and the TV turns on starting a TV show. Woody looks up to see the show's intro with wonder and curiousness]

Woody's Roundup Announcer: Cowboy Crunchies, the only cereal that's sugar-frosted and dipped in chocolate... proudly presents...

Woody's Roundup
Come on, it's time to play
There's Jessie the Yodelin' Cowgirl

Jessie: Lookit! Lookit! That's me!

Bullseye, he's Woody's house
He's a smart one!
Pete, the old prospector

Stinky Pete: Has anyone seen my pickaxe?

[Stinky Pete facepalms and shakes his head in embarrassment of the "pick axe behind him" comedy]

And the man himself, of course
It's time for Sheriff Woody
He's the very best
He's the rootin'-est, tootin'-est cowboy in the wild, wild west
Woody's Roundup

[Woody is amazed by this.]

[Soren changes the channel showing him, Philip, and Blaze in different outfits, standing in a starry background with their eyes closed. As the beat drops on the intro, they open their eyes and their outfits change to the ones that Philip and Soren now wear. The scene changes to Soren fighting his enemy, Pauline, and giving her a scar across her right eye, blinding her in that eye. The next scene shows Philip singing on stage before it changes to him getting beat up by two robots taller than him. He then stood up and blasted them to the ground with his powers. The next scene shows Blaze in his old outfit, without his horns, wings, and tail before a flash of fire consumes him, giving him his extra features. He winks at the camera before the scene changes to Soren and Philip in with their lovers, sharing a kiss. The scene then shows all three characters with Soren and Blaze's mother, Pauline, and Pippa before it changes to just Soren, Blaze, Philip, and Pippa posing as the title of the series appears over their heads. Pippa and Woody watch it in awe]

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