Kusuri and Y/n

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Let's skip over a few hours now.

Dinner was already finished being eaten, the bodies of ko'd men were taken care of and now the family had all the time they have for the day to themselves.

Y/n who had just finished cleaning the dishes with Mrs. Yakuzen placed the last plate into the dish rack after wiping it a bit and turned to the mother of the household.

"Mother... Kusuri and I will watch some 'Pepepe Pentaro'..."

"Go right ahead~... You deserve more than rest after today, mhm~..."

"Thank you..." he bows sincerely to Mrs. Yakuzen before heading off to the living room where a small girl was crawling on the floor with a small disc in her hand. "Come on, Y/n!~ Kusuri got the new season of 'Adventures of Pentaro' on dvd, yep yep!~" she commands Y/n who nods softly and sat in front of the tv.

Kusuri took the time to insert the dvd into the disc player of their living room television and immediately sat onto Y/n's lap.

Although it didn't seem like it, Y/n was filled with excitement as his small girlfriend was cuddling up to him. She grabbed a bag of chips that laid next to them and opened it up.

"Here!~" she says with a piece in her fingers, offering it to Y/n who took a bite. They would focus back at the tv where a penguin appeared on the screen.

"From the land of ice, Pen-Pen-Pen~... Looking for some fish, Pen-Pen-Pen~..."

They start singing the theme song while swaying left to right to the instruments. Kusuri had a cute smile on her face while Y/n was hugging her from behind. The two continued to sing until the theme song ended and in comes the first episode.

Y/n couldn't help but glance down at Kusuri who hummed softly to herself.

"You're so cute, Kusuri..."

She turns to the boy with the same smile still pasted on. "Really?~ How cute is Kusuri?~"

"The cutest..."

He kissed Kusuri in the cheek who laughed loudly and tried to pull away. "That tickles!~ Stop!~ Stop!~" she giggled more as the couple would continue to cuddle, play, and watch tv a little bit more.


"Aphoo~..." she snores softly as Y/n was finishing up an episode of their favorite show from another season.

It was getting a little late.

Seven or eight in the evening as Y/n continues to hold Kusuri in her arms, only she was laying down on his lap this time as she slept peacefully.

Y/n didn't mind a bit, stroking her hair and making sure she was okay as his focus switches from her to the show and vice versa.

"Enjoying yourself, Y/n?~"

Another voice that was different from her parents interrupts Y/n. He knew exactly who it was as he turns to find another eight year old girl standing next to him.

Or should I say woman...


"I think it's time for little Kusuri to go to bed~... She does have school after all, yes yes~..." she smiled sweetly to the young boy who nods at her order.

"Okay, granny..."

He picked Kusuri up bridal style where she decided to bring her arms around Y/n's neck and hugged softly. Y/n felt that ball of excitement welling up in him as she found it kind of cute.

Soon enough, Y/n marched his way to Kusuri's bed and laid her inside. He pulls the covers over her and gave her a little kiss goodnight before heading out of her room to let her rest.

Once he does that, he met Kusuri's grandmother once more who bowed with a smile. "Thank you for everything you've done for our family, yes yes~..."

"It's my duty, granny..." he replied back. "As her boyfriend, I must tend to her needs while help the family out... and besides..."

He looks down at his hand where he found a fake wedding ring on his finger.

"We made a promise together... and I'll be sure to be able to achieve that promise together with Kusuri someday... I love her so much and I know she feels the same way... so I will not give up on her, myself, her family, or that promise until we can all have a happy ending..."

Kusuri's grandmother only watched Y/n and listened on what he had to say. A small speech for Y/n and despite being so monotonous, she knew that Y/n meant it with a strong passion.

"What a sweet gentleman~... Would you lean down for me, yes yes?~" She asked Y/n obeyed unhesitatingly like a brunette maid to her master. She kisses Y/n on the cheek who blushed lightly at her generous gift.

"I hope for you to live a happy life with my precious granddaughter, yes yes~..."

"I will... Thank you, granny..." he bowed to the woman before he went to say goodbye to his soon-to-be in-laws and left the residence.


He stops in front of their home to take another glance at the fake wedding ring on his hand.

"...Someday... we'll beat this curse... We have to... I want to spend my life with you stuck by my side..."


"...I know you can do it, Kusuri... Nothing is impossible to you... If I have to wait, I'll wait... so work hard for me so that we can get married together..." Y/n finally finishes before he head out into the night and reminisced about the fake ring that he wore on his hand.

Kusuri Yakuzen x Kuudere Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now