The Bouquet Toss

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It's the park.

A wonderful spot where families come together and pink cherry blossoms fall from their branches in this warm sunny day.

Perfection, a day like this should never be wasted.

Especially with this small family as they sprawled out on their picnic blanket to take in this wonderful day.

A mom, a dad, a daughter, and a grandma.

Next to them was a boy not related to the family who kept an eye on a girl who laid her head in his lap, petting her head.

"Kusuri loves you so much, yep yep~..." she hugged his waist while kicking her feet in the air. "Really?" Y/n tries his best with his emotions to sound intrigued as she rubs her face into his stomach. "Yep yep~... You're the best boyfriend in the whole world~..."

Y/n nods softly as he turns to her family who smiled at their small interaction.

"She's right~... Kusuri talks a lot about you whenever we eat at the dinner table, mhm~..."

"I'm glad she found a boy like you, uh-huh!"

"Take good care of her when we're not there for her, yes yes?~"

"I'll do my very best... and... thank you for accepting me in the family..." Y/n nods once as the Yakuzen family smiled in acknowledgement, whether it was a sweet or a smug one.

Together, they loved Y/n as well and wanted him a part of their family. Kusuri is their only daughter and wants what was best for her.

And Y/n is just exactly that.

Loving, protective, respectful, even with a flaw with Y/n's emotion, they still loved and respected Y/n for who he was. They continued to watch the two high schoolers together while eating and talking when,

"Alright, folks! It's time for the 'Rabuzono Park's Monthly Bouquet Toss' to begin!"

Suddenly, a loud voice grabs their attention as Y/n was the first to react. "What's going on? And a 'Bouquet Toss'?" He asked as he gently got Kusuri off his lap and got up.

The couple would walk towards the source of the voice where they found a large crowd and a stage with a person standing proudly. "Let's go over the basics! The most basic of the basic, whoever catches this bouquet of flowers will earn a photo with a loved one in their wedding dress and or suit!"

Everyone screamed excitedly, especially Kusuri who gasped happily as she turns to Y/n. "We must catch that bouquet and win the prize, Y/n!"

Y/n who doesn't seem excited decides to accept the challenge. "We can try for it... There's a lot of people so the chances of us getting the flowers are very slim... If any case, they said it was monthly so we could try again next month..."

After expressing his thoughts, it looked as if Kusuri wanted to disagree. Y/n knew that Kusuri was a spoiled girl but she smiles softly and nodded. "Okay!~ But let's give it our all today, yep yep?~"

"Of course... I'd also like a photo with you in your wedding dress as well..." he pats her head which earned him a small blush.

Yet she giggles happily, not before an idea pops up and pulls a drug from her back pocket and gave it to the h/c.

"Here! Drink this!"

"What is it?"

"The 'makes you run faster' drug!"

Y/n thought about it for a second and figured out what she was trying to say. "...I see... With a crowd this huge, they'll probably launch this across the park..."

Kusuri Yakuzen x Kuudere Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now