We Need to Cook, Yep Yep

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Y/n was currently in his classroom right now, finishing his homework although it was a few minutes after school. His hand wrote quickly and answering each question correctly as he gets the last-


The door of the class opens, luckily he was the only one present as he glanced up to find someone familiar to him.


"Let's go, Y/n..."

She takes him by the hand as she pulls him out of the classroom.

"W-What's going-"

"Y/n, we need to cook, yep yep..."

Y/n knew exactly what she was talking about. "Kusuri, I told you I can wait for you to make the combination of drugs to-"

"That's not it, Y/n... I have a great idea on a new drug, yep yep..."

"...I hope it isn't meth..."

"It's way better than meth, Jesse, yep yep..."

"Why are you calling me Jesse all of a sudden?"

"We have to hurry, yep yep... The drugs aren't going to make themselves..."

"Just tell me what you're going to make..."

"You'll love it, Jesse... Trust me..."

"...Okay... This better be better than meth, Kusuri..."


"You're right... This is better than meth..." Y/n admitted as he held the drug in his hands while Kusuri does the same.

For her's, she pours it on a substance.

The substance was slow to eradicate but disappeared completely as Y/n was in awe as she had a proud smile.

"Kusuri did say she was going to mark something better than meth, yep yep..."

"You did say that... but you never told me you were going to make the cure for cancer..."

Kusuri found the cure for cancer.

Although they poured it on a substance that could be similar to cancer, Kusuri was smart enough to figure out how to beat it with her own drugs. "It's better than meth, right?"

"I know... but can you not say that over and over again? It's making me think you took a dose before and there's something that is worse than this..."

"Kusuri never said anything was worse than meth, yep yep..."

"...Understandable..." Y/n said as she did not say that anything was worse than hardcore drugs.

Overall, this was remarkable in Y/n's eyes.

If only he had a talent that he could show off to Kusuri, then maybe she could be proud of him.

"That deserves some head pats, right? Right?"

For now, Y/n has to search for that talent as he heard Kusuri request for her head pats and nodded. "Yeah, of course..." he agreed before landing his hand on the "eight" year old girl and gave her some soft pats.

"You did great, Kusuri..."

All she did was blush and smile more as she held Y/n's wrist and pushed it down on her head more. "Kusuri loves your head pats, Y/n, yep yep!~"


It hits him.

Although Y/n seemed bland to everyone emotionally and in general, Kusuri loved him either way.

So did her family who accepted him on the first day. It took some time but that one day was all it took before anyone but his own parents loved him for how he was.

For himself, he'd want to express his feelings the way they should be portrayed but that didn't matter.

Especially Kusuri who loved the little things about Y/n.


Unconsciously, the corner of his lips twitched.

A smile seemed to be ready to form up but it doesn't give in that easily. They returned to their neutral states as Y/n nodded in acknowledgement.

"I'm glad you do, Kusuri..." Y/n said as he continued the small gesture to satisfy the girl's attention.

Kusuri Yakuzen x Kuudere Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now