Wedding Day

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Kusuri and Y/n had finally made it back where the stage of the event was located.

For Y/n, both of his arms were occupied.

In one of his hands, a bouquet of flowers was there. In the event he participated, he caught the flowers in the air, leaving it unscathed and beautiful as the person that held his other arm.

Kusuri, who clung onto Y/n's arm was in a really happy mood. Thanks to the boy for catching the flowers and protecting them from getting dirty, the two of them earned a prize.

And that was to take a photo together in a wedding suit and dress.

So now they were heading towards their point of interest where they were met with the host of the event. He greeted the winner with a smile before turning to Kusuri and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Aw, how cute~... Taking a photo with your big brother?"

"He's my boyfriend, yep yep!~"


It left the man speechless, turning his reaction into a one-eighty degree. He turns to the h/c with a concerned look.

"...Your girlfriend... is a kid?"

The boy shrugged softly. "...It's complicated... but to put it short, she's eighteen..."

"Kusuri is eighteen!~" Kusuri answered as well. "She just consumed a drug that shrank her into a kid, yep yep!~"

"...Um... Okay then... Let's get you two measured..." the man decided to let this slide as they lead them away to have their bodies measured and get their attire made.

We focus on Y/n, he gets his wingspan measured along with his torso, legs, shoulders, whatever his body had as in a matter of minutes after getting measured, he received his attire. "So efficient... It took so little time but it seems really... lavishly clean..." Y/n observed as he threw it on and went to where the two were supposed to take the photos.

"...I feel like Mason Yourne for some reason..." Y/n said as he continued to stare in awe at his wedding uniform.

Great material, the h/c wondered a bit if he was allowed to take it home.

They did measure him after all, he should be able to use it on really fancy occasions whenever he gets the chance.

"I'm here, yep yep!"

Finally, Kusuri made her presence known as Y/n glanced up and was in awe.

As we know, it didn't seem like it but inside himself, he couldn't contain the emotion that made him so in awe at the beauty of his girlfriend.

Although she was in her smaller self, Y/n knew that she was lucky to have her no matter if she was cursed with the effect of the drug or not.

"You look very handsome, yep yep!~" she hugs his arm tightly as the boy had a small red blush on his face. "Thank you..." he replied as he returned her remark with a question.

"Would you want to take a photo in this form or in your normal form? I don't know if they'll let you take two photos..."

"Which form does Y/n likes?"

"I like both Kusuri's... You're adorable like this but you are really beautiful when you're in your normal state..."

"Hm... How about we try for both? We can always ask, yep yep!"

The h/c nods softly and turns to their photographer. "You don't mind if we take two photos? One for each of us?"

"Yeah, sure... I don't see an issue with it..."

Perfect, Y/n thought as he gets in position with Kusuri, standing tall and proud while Kusuri held his hand. "Say 'cheese'..." the photographer commanded as Kusuri does exactly that.

For Y/n?


"...Come on, man... Smile... It's a wedding photo..."

At first, the high school boy hesitated but gives in and tries for a smile.


The smile was awful.

Especially if he hasn't smiled in a genuinely happy way as the photographer shivered in fear of his scary smile.


"It's fine... It's not your fault..."


The photographer took the first photo.

"Alright, second photo in three-"

"Wait..." Y/n stopped him as the couple parted and Y/n glanced at Kusuri.

"You ready for the second photo?"

"Yep yep!~" she answers before taking a negation drug out and chugged it down.


Insert sudden transformation stock footage and there we have it.

The true form of our female protagonist in her wedding dress. Due to the size being the size of her form before, it looked a lot smaller on her, being a little tight and becoming a short dress for her.

It didn't matter to Kusuri, she went straight to hugging Y/n's arm tightly as she threw her glasses on and smiled widely.

"Let's do it, yep!~"

"...Holy shit..."

Y/n heard the host said as he turned to find him in disbelief. "Told you she was eighteen like me... Thought I was a lolicon or something?"

Brushing it off for now, Y/n got in position once more as the two took their second photo together and went to check on how the photos went on the camera.

"How are the photos? Aren't they perfect?"

"It's so pretty, yep yep!~"

"I love it..."

"You don't sound like it..."

"He is~... He can barely contain his excitement right now, yep yep!~"

Kusuri admired the photos a little more as Y/n watched her switched through photo one and two to see which one she wanted.

"My!~ You look so pretty in the dress Kusuri, mhm!~"

In comes Kusuri's parents and grandmother as they were in awe at Kusuri's wedding dress.

"Granny likes the dress a lot, Kusuri, yes yes~..."

"Someday... My daughter will get married... with the perfect man, uh-huh..."

The host was once again in shock.

"Woah... What the... Who..."

"They're my soon-to-be in-laws..."

Y/n had to butt in once more as he was annoyed at him at this point.

"They had the same fate as my girlfriend... I told you so about her already..."

"...Oh..." the man said as Y/n sighed softly.

"...Just... stop assuming things already... At this point, expect the unexpected..."




The host threw his hands up in defense as Y/n reacted the same way and was in a confused state.

"...Why did you jump?"

"You told me to expect the unexpected so I expected you to throw an unexpected punch..."



"...I'm going to kick you instead..."

Kusuri Yakuzen x Kuudere Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now