Chapter 1: Turbulent

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-3rd Person POV-

"(Name)! You're cheating! Qiyana, make him stop cheating!" A female voice yelled at another girl who watched the whole situation from her side of the Twister mat. The girl who was yelling was a mildly buff, pink haired girl with blue eyes. Under her eye was a tattoo of the letters VI. Right now, she was balanced precariously over (Name). He was a boy of about 6"3', with (Hair Color) hair that reached his mid back. His (Eye Color) eyes glanced at Vi and then to Qiyana for her verdict.

"Qi?" He called, getting her to finally look up from her phone with a raise of an eyebrow.

"What's up?" She questioned, wondering what she was currently laying her eyes upon.

"Vi says I'm cheating but she's the one cheating, she fell twice. I haven't fallen once, now she's sitting on me because I won't let her win." (Name) explained in his dull and monotone voice to Qiyana.

"Vi. Will you get off the poor boy? You're gonna suffocate him with that big butt of yours." Qiyana came over and hooked her arms under Vi's and lifted her from on top of (Name).

"My butt is not big!" Vi replied angrily while (Name) and Qiyana shared a knowing glance with each other before focusing on Vi a.gain.

"It's very big." The two said in unison before Qiyana laughed violently, leaving (Name) with a small smile on his face at his friends expense.

"I mean it's no wonder Caitlyn likes you. You're carrying all of that junk in the trunk back there!" In between her laughs, Qiyana spoke until her phone dinged. Pulling it to her face to read the message. Vi's face turned tomato red and she grabbed Qiyana in a headlock while (Name) watched it all go down in front of him.

"People are blowing me up about some house party tonight. It's at Evelynn's too, so you know it's going to get absolutely wild." She explained and then glanced between her companions. A raspberry was blown as she tossed her phone towards the couch.

"Fat chance, I'm hanging out with my besties playing Twister. Who would even want to hang out at what's arguably the biggest party of the year?" The white haired girl muttered, spinning the wheel for her color and body part placement.

"QiQi, if you wanna go, you can go. Don't let me being who I am stop you from going to go and have fun." (Name) told his friend who shook her head. "You too, Vi."

"What, so we can leave you here all night to play with your Legos?" Vi questioned, resting her arm on her knee and supporting herself with the free arm.

"Yes. I have to finish the ultra dragon set from Ninjago. Besides, never been a party person nor a-" He was promptly cut off by the girls reciting his usual line.

"Nor a people person. Or an anybody person. I don't like big crowds or small crowds. I dont like people." When they finished, Qiyana crossed her arms over her chest and then raised a brow.

"(Name)? How do you expect to find a girlfriend if all you do is go to school, home, and then to work? Doesn't that get a little boring for you?" She asked him, making (Name) blink at such a question.

"Uh, I don't? Who needs a girlfriend when I can just enjoy my own passions and interest? Besides, my life is stress free right now. Having a relationship would only jeopardize my own relaxation." (Name) stated, not sure why Qiyana wanted him to date so bad.

"You want to be a Tia that bad? (Name) make us aunties already!" Vi told him, making (Name) shake his head and sit down.

"You're aren't becoming an aunt from me. You'll be an Aunt off of Qi or maybe even Jinx, not me though." Kicking his feet up on the coffee table with a shrug of his shoulders.

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