March 10, 2023- backstory

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Hi, for my privacy, I will call myself L, I am 16 years old, a virgo, in 11th grade, and have lived in the same city my whole life. The city I live in is on an island, so I hardly ever leave, even though I hate it here. As a kid, I was an extrovert until all the friends I made moved off this rock. Besides living where I do, I was also homeschooled, was only allowed to watch PBS kids' shows, no internet, no phone, no music, strict Baptist religion (grandfather is a pastor), and no friends. When I was 7, my family went bankrupt because they renovated our house too much when they realized I existed... yay, it's my fault now... also, I am a rainbow baby. My mom miscarried a 3 month baby 3 months before finding out about me. I started going to school in 7th grade, I had 11 kids in my class, so it wasn't a big school, but it was still a big adjustment for me... I didn't know normal behavior or lingo or anything, so due to no internet, friends, or real world situations and a newfound introverted at pessimist behavior, I was left out, or just opted to read in the corner... go meee... I accidentally got roped into a school play and liked it enough to join the play out of my own free will in 8th grade... long story short, I witnessed an accidental suicide... great for an 8th grader to see, obviously. The play ended up getting canceled due to covid, so we didn't even get to commemorate their death through it... so that was annoying. I also didn't get to go on a trip to Israel that year... bummer. In my 9th grade year, we were surprisingly in person! So that was cool, but I still didn't have any friends, and I just sat with some random kids who at this point don't remember that I ate with them every day for a year... woops... tenth grade was a whirlwind... I hate math and started my Monday with Geometry and ended with Chemistry with Spanish 2 in the middle... all of which I almost failed. This year, I am proud to say that I have all As and Bs, except in history, because the teacher grades stuff weird... I may have a C... oh well... people at my school take grades verry seriously... I don't know why, like it is a college prep school, but still, at the end of the semester, almost everyone is on the honor role or heads list.... if you're not, you feel so bad, and when I get it, I feel bad for those like 14 kids who didn't get it. Ok, my life is boring... I did do 95 hours of community service this year... in 2 weeks of time.... yay... I gave up on acting but decided to help out backstage in the tech crew for the plays. I am also proud to say that, due to traveling to another country, and a really distant part of the country I live in with my school, that I have come out of my shell alot, and even made some friends! The ones I talk to the most are C, I, Lu, Ki, D, and ke. Sorry if that's confusing. I love hanging out with them, and each of them are verry different. C loves cooking, Lu lobes technology, I loves art, D loves anime and drawing, Ki loves shopping and red, and Ke is basically a child. We all have stuff in common, too, and always meet up to play video games, make food, walk to get ice cream, watch shows, or just chat. I feel like a regular teen, although 2 out of 6 of my friends are boys, and my mom always makes a big deal out of it. I have an older brother who is away at college, so I am basically an only child at this point. I'm not a fan as suddenly the attention is all on me and was always on him. I have my learning permit for driving, but I am terrified of actually driving... like I am good at it, but then I am so scared to be in the driver's seat or any seat in a car at this point.

If you managed to read through all of my backstory, congrats! If you want anything specific, such as talks on my period, crushes, interests, sports, or favorite books, I would be happy to talk about any of these topics and most likely will at anny given time! Once again thank you for reading and have a good day! I am going on spring break this week🎉 wooooo!!!!

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