March 16, Interests

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Animei- I started watching animei during a summer break due to boredom and a lack of intertaning activity to do. I have now watched several anime and forced my parents to watch a few:
The promised neverland-parents have. Watched
Violet evergarden- mom has seen
Your lie in April - parents have seen
Assassination classroom - I have seen
Demon slayer - my brother has seen
SpyXFamilly- currently waching with my mom
Erased parents have seen
In this corner of the world- I have seen
Silent voice - my mom has seen
My hero academia - I have seen most of it

reading- I have always loved reading even as a like 5 year old, I read all the boxcar Children, magic treehouse, dibby dabby, narnia, and kingdom of wringly ( no I did not ever read a single harry potter book because for some reson my parents were certain that they were the devils work... like bro...) My current favorite books are the ash princess, delirium, crown of feathers, and princess acadamy trilogies, as well as the book sold on a Monday, unbroken, and wake me up after the apocalypse. I also love the girl who dared to ... chronicles but have only gotten through one and a half of them because I am so buissy as a Jr. In high school, who is about to inter the final qr. On Tuesday... like not... stop...

cooking - I started cooking and baking at the age of 6, but never got to cook on my own until I turned 9. I love making homemade pasta, pizza, chicken, sauces, breads, cookies, and cakes. I hate doing the dishes, though, so I don't cook/ bake a tun anymore.

drawing, pottery, watercolor- I love art and have since the age of like 2, I remember liking these sponge stamps I had, and always mixing the colors to be a nasty green brown color just for fun. I now love drawing, both with charcoal and colored pencils, as well as both watercolor markers and paints and pottery, specifically face shaped mugs or bowls.

kids - I have, for a very long time, lived kids and always wanted a little sibling growing up. It never happened, as my brother was a bottle baby and I was a rainbow baby, so the two of us were lucky to have been born. I currently really want to be a teacher of younger grades, such as preschool or kindergarten. But I am planning to get certified up to 5th grade.

psychology- psychology has always interested me, as I am constantly reading or trying to read a person's mind, and would love to eventually get a degree in children's psychology so I can be a better and more helpful teacher.

writing - I mean, I am currently writing, I have always loved doing so, from letters to journal entries, fan fictions, whatever came to brain. I am not very good at it, however, so I decided not to make it my career.

music, theater - I am on the tech team and love all things musicles. I have seen Come From Away on Broadway and been a part of many musicles ( tech or otherwise), including fame Jr. High s hool musicle, bye-bye birdie, moana, Charlie and the chocolate factory, 101 Dalmatians, and Anne. They are always so much fun, and almost all the kids in my school are involved in one or the other sooo it is also a great way to make friends.

crochet- I had a phase, ok.... well, several phases.... such as 6th and 10th grade... yeah. -edit yeahhhhh I'm back at it again now.... specifically circles??? Idk

scrapbooking , I just got into this.... currently in the collection/ card and phone case incerts making stage

board games/ video games- I love to play banana grams, uno, rumicube, origins, trash, and 4 corners when it comes to board games, and Mario karts, heavenly body's, and a couple that I do not recall the names of currently (all at my friend C and Lu's houses because I'm not allowed to play video games) so I don't get to play verry often, but it's always fun when we do.

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