March 13, Crushes

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Hi guys! I have never talked about my crushes before... like not with anyone... so this will be verrrry imbarasing for me... but oh well.

So I like guys, thank God, because even though I respect the LGBTQ+ community, my parents do not. I didn't even realize that was an option... like I didn't know that that was a thing... until 2019... so... um.

Anyway, let's talk about my crushes...

So when I was 7, I had my first crush, he went to my church, and was slightly older than me. Eventually, he moved away, and I stopped liking him by the time I saw him again. His name started with an M. He is quite a nice person, and I still see him and his family on occasion, but it is really awkward to chat with him and his brothers.

In 7th grade, I wasn't the only new kid... there was this other kid, still goes to my school, name starts with a G. I'm not totally sure why I liked him. He was a total nerd, like he loves Marvel, DC, vidio games, has all As, and is a theater kid. I didn't realize it at the time, but he was also into volleyball, contemporary and hip hop dance, singing.... like everything... I stopped liking him when I realized that he liked my friend, J, who only found out about this when she was moving away... then he liked my other friend N... so ya... also, he didn't pay me back for gum. I bought him so 😤... 8th grader mindset, guys...

Then, in 9th grade, I realized I really liked this guy whose name begins with a C, he's like the rich popular tipe who dosnt really care but knows me because he was friends with my brother... he is in my class, though. Our family's friends are friends and all that jazz. I don't know why I liked him, but oh well. He was also the type to COMPLAIN that he "Only got a 95," on any tests, quizzes, or essays... like, dude.... I got a C.... but yeah.

Midway through 10th grade year, I was adamant I still liked C... but while on a school trip and rooming with two other girls, they realized I talked about G a lot... like my second crush... ummmm... so it turns out I actually do still like him... since 7th grade... and have just been denying it... also, I am kinda friends with his younger brother now... and this one time, I was hanging out with his younger brother and our mutual friends in his room (G's room), and I was sitting on the floor, and G got home and decided to hang out with us... and he sat need to me and our legs touched and neither of us moved!!! Like, what does this mean... then we were sitting need to each other in advisory, for some reson it's a bar stool situation and our legs touched and we didn't move them again. Also, he always notices when I am feeling stressed or sad and even noticed a bit of blood in my nose one time??? Why are you looking in my nose??? But um... yeah. And one time, we had a class bonfire, and he sat need to me and chatted with me for a good 1 hour 30 minutes... like wow... we literally exchanged life stories. We are both into theater, I do backstage tech, so we talked a lot about that. Also... speaking of theater... he kind of had to kiss someone for the role, and I was trapped in a place where I had to watch it... 7 times.... ahhhhh. So that was torture. I had to stand in a specific spot to help the girl he had to kiss do parkor onto the stage in high heels and a dress... important job, obviously.

And that is up to date... no, I have never dated anyone... no, I have never confessed to anyone... I have been confessed to once, but that story is for tomorrow. Bye 👋

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