March 12, Sports

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Hi again!
When I was 3, my mom was like, "What sports will my kid like?" And then apparently decided to make me do all of them until I liked one. I started with gymnastics, which was too expensive+ far away. Then tennis, also too expensive. Then soccer lasted a while but wasn't a fan. Basketball, only did it for frozen yogurt. Softball didn't like it. And swimming... hated and was extra expensive, but I live on an island, so apparently, it all made sense. I was forced to go 5 days a week for 1 hour from the age of 4-12... even during summer, which had early morning practice. I hated swimming... and still do. No offense to anyone who does, but how can you like swimming up and down staring at a line on the bottom of the pool and holding your breath for like an hour, kicking as hard as you can and moving your arms like a windmill every day for 8 years, only to shave like .0007 seconds off your times each meet while tho other kids somehow get faster? I was awful at it, but my brother tried to quit and got yelled at, so why would I? Finally, my brother convinced my mom, and then she let me quit too. In middle school, I tried volleyball and track and field. I wasn't a fan of ither as I was awful at both... less so volleyball, but that tragedy I experienced in 8th grade involved a volleyball net sooo... no more for me... yay... In high school, I did swimming and tennis for my freshman and sophomore year, but this year, I am just doing tennis! My mom gave up on forcing me to swim finally!!! When I was like 7, I did ballet as well as swim, so ya, I had always wanted to do it, but gave up after a year or two. Durring covid, I did Arial hammocks, which I would love to continue, but my brothers college is really expensive, so I can't bring myself to ask my parents to get me classes when they already have to pay for both of us going to schools. So, for now, I just play tennis.

Diary of a 16 year old girl.... will be cringeWhere stories live. Discover now