sooooo this summer has been.... a wirlwind of bad and good chaos 🙃

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It's been a while...... ummm...... on Memorial Day, my grandma died.... I graduated in 11th grade and was then told she was like actively dying, so we flew straight over and she passed 2 days later, I helped plan her funeral, helped out my relatives, and kept an eye on my grandpa who has Parkinsons disease. I then went to my college camp class thing and made 21 friends I converse with every day and my personality test results show I'm the same but I went from 60% introvert to 75% extrovert in 3 years which is kinda crazy. I got accepted to college, so that's awesome, and I even know who my roommates are going to be. I spent 54 days away from home this summer, and my brother spent 61 days home.... so yay, 7 whole days with him... I might have a job where I watch a little girl 3v3ry weekend for about 4 hours, so that could be cool, and I have an internship interview tomorrow for spending my free block in the preschool this upcoming year which would be awesome cause I'm going into early childhood and elementary education with a minor in theater... speaking of which my school is doing 3 plays this year, so yayyyy 150 hours at least of unpaid labor for that. I am so excited to begin my senior year, but I hate that my grandma can't watch me do so and that I have already forgotten her voice. On a huge side note, I just discovered that period insomnia is a thing!!!!?????? I am here at 12am on a Wednesday after not sleeping at all last night without being able to sleep, and I'm like.... wonder if it's related and it isssss or like could be?? Who knows... not me...

Diary of a 16 year old girl.... will be cringeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora