March 25- random funny thing that happened yesterday/ today

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So, as you guys probably know, I do AV tech club at school. We had a talent show, so go 6 go for a couple of hours, right??? We live near another island, and the kids from the school on the other island came over for two days, and I ended up hosting one of them. After the show, we tech kids were invited to a party to hang out with said kids, I carpool with 2 of my guy friends so they kinda tagged along (they are also in tech club) and one of the girls who was visiting decided she liked one of my friends.... I accidentally set them up. They went back home, but my friend is making plans to go see her even though it costs like 60 $ to do so. Honestly, I am really happy😊, I am also very confused. We literally got home from the party at 1 am this morning, I had to take the girl staying with me to the ferry, and he lives near the ferry, so I invited him, but he was still sleeping as it was like 9am and he got home at 1am.... he's also 16 btw so yeah..... andddd I now have 4 more friends!!! Win for an introvert. Am i right?!??! They've texted me like 6 times each today, and I last saw them this morning! I just wanted to share this experience with someone, so here you go.

Diary of a 16 year old girl.... will be cringeWhere stories live. Discover now