" beautiful insecurities. "

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" beautiful insecurities. "

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

male! c/n x female! reader

As I stare at myself in the school' bathroom mirror, I examine my face.
God, why do I have so much acne? I look ugly.
If only I had clear skin, I bet I'd be popular, or something.


God, I spent so long in the washroom, that I've lost track of time.
I start walking back to my classroom, many people stop to stare at me.
Right, it's break.

As I go back to my seat, I look back up to see C/N.

'' Hey, what took you so long in the washroom? '' He asks.

I pause for a moment, brushing my hand over my cheek.

'' Ah, well.. I just had some dirt that wouldn't come off, so I had to wash it off.. really well. '' I attempt to lie.

He stares at me, before leaving. I let out a sigh.
I take out my phone, looking at my reflection.
I take even more time out of my day to stare at my face. I just cant take my eyes off my.. acne.

I don't even eat, as I lose track of time again.
People start leaving the classroom, heading to go outside.
I quickly put down my phone, joining in with the rest of them.

As I head outside, I meet my friend, F/N.
Finally, someone else..

'' Hey! Cmon, let's go to our spot before someone else takes it! '' She tugs me with her, going to our usual spot.

As we talk, we start talking about our insecurities, somehow.

'' Ah well.. My acne.. it's just.. '' I trail off, unsure of what to say.

'' I.. stare at my face so much, waiting for the day for all my acne to clear, then I'd because beautiful again. '' I sigh.

Suddenly, I'm face to face with C/N, again.

I jump at the sudden appearance.

'' Ah, wait! Did you hear that? Uhm.. '' I pause.

'' Hey.. you know.. '' He scratches his head.

F/N is seen close by, talking to someone else.

'' Your acne makes you stand out, I find it beautiful. '' He gives a warm smile to me.

'' You're just.. gorgeous, just because you have acne doesn't make you ugly, it's pretty normal. '' He brushes his hand over my cheek.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.

'' Thank you.. I really mean it. '' I smile back.

'' You're welcome. '' He chuckles.

'' Though, I'm really curious.. what's your skincare routine? '' I ask.

'' Huh? Why? You're pretty enough! '' He expresses.

'' No no, it's not that, I'm just curious! '' I confirm.

As we talk about his skincare routine, he continues to compliment me.
What a cutie..

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

word count - 450 words!

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