CH. 7 Magic! ☆彡

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"Danica! I finally found our it girl!" I turned and gave Jimmy a weird look. It girl? He just chuckled at my look and then a girl popped out behind masses and masses of dresses. Jesus Christ. Her hair was.... quite amazing. It was literally a rainbow. Like, it was bleached white and there were patches of red, blues, greens and just about every other colour you can imagine. I think I must have been staring for a quite while because she then burst out laughing.

"Haha, that look never gets old!" She said smiling at me. I blushed and murmured sorry. Jimmy led me over to a chair to sit down and the girl, Danica, followed us there.

"Look at her! I think we just found ourselves our little Cinderella don't you think?" Jimmy said to Danica as she inspected me. I gulped, what are they talking about?

"I think your right darling! Isn't she a fine one, is she?" Danica continued, tracing her finger over my features. Her smooth hands stopped at my cheek bones and then lips. She then looked at me and said, "You my darling, have a nose that women here would pay a fortune to have." I blinked at her like a stupid owl.

"Uh... th-thanks?" I stuttered and I gave her a small smile. Truthfully, I was a little creeped out. Who just suddenly talks about your nose? I looked over a Jimmy and he was returning with a trolley laden to the brim with all sorts of things. I think there might be weapons in there! I eyed Jimmy and Danica nervously as they grabbed steel looking things and pointed them like guns towards me. "Just leave it to us honey, you'll be looking a billion dollars in our hands soon!" Jimmy cried. And with that, they attacked me.

Okay not literally, but close enough. The first thing they did, to which I screamed throughout the whole ordeal, was wax me. My whole entire body. Back home I of course shaved but waxing was a whole new thing to me which I have not really been, um, introduced to. They started with my legs and I gritted my teeth at that but when they gave me a waxing called a Brazilian, I think, I really could not hold back. I wondered if Dreco heard me, I was that loud. I don't think I'll ever let Jimmy and Danica near me again after that but I was just glad Danica handled the "Brazillian" or whatever it is called. They even insisted on doing my arms. I complained a bit at that saying it wasn't necessary but they ignored my protests and just said they wanted to give me a porcelain complexion so thus of all the hair removal.

As I was then sitting in pain hoping this torture would end soon I was put in a big puffy chair and I then sighed in relief as someone began washed my hair and my fingernails and toenails were painted a nude colour. It was so relaxing, this kind of luxury was never even heard of in my town. As the person finished washing and drying my hair, Jimmy came back and with scissors and then snipped at bits of my hair. "Now darling, I'll send some of my product to your sexy beast because your hair is dry. Right now I'm just cutting your split ends and shaping it but make sure to come to me every 4 weeks so I can treat your hair, okay babe?"

I wasn't really listening, the two words he uttered before had me feeling awkward.
"My s-sexy beast?" I managed to utter out to Jimmy. He raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me.

"Yes, that hunky man of yours is a sexy beast alright." He said and then sighed. "I was so sad to find out he didn't swing my way when I first met him. I mean, just look at his jawline! A bitch could cut herself on that. He should have just become a model!" Jimmy exclaimed and I giggled.

"Too bad Dreco didn't swing Jimmys way." I thought drily. "If he did then I wouldn't be stuck in this situation. But then again, my mother was being helped now so it was for the best wasn't it?"

"I know you and Dreco aren't really engaged you know."

I felt my heartbeat stop a little and echo in my head. It felt like time stood still. What? I whipped my head around at Jimmy who just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "W-what do y-you mean?" I tried to sound casual but my voice came out funny. He couldn't know about this. It was a secret deal and I knew it would not go down well with Dreco's high profile life. I licked my lips and when I heard Jimmy chuckle I snapped out of my thoughts and slowly turned around again.

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