A brighter future?

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Welcome to my new story, again I'm attempting something truly unique with these two worlds. I'll be blending in the world of K/DA with Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles. This will be starting off in season 2 right after Riley's death and straight into how John and the rest arrive in the world of the K/DA-verse. Yes this will be a harem and yes it will be filled with angst since we basically have a family dealing with trust issues and PTSD along with a cybernetic organism that's developing her own true emotions. I can't express how much I love both universes but hopefully this new world will be to the liking of everyone, I also have a bit of a little anouncement at the end. Anway, without further ado let's get started!

Sarah's POV :

All Sarah Connor ever wanted was to be the type of mother who could provide for her son as best as she could. Other mothers would read childish bedtime stories to their kids or give them toys for Christmas and birthdays, but not her. She gave her son a gun where other mothers would give their child a bicycle, she taught hers how to rig explosives or hardwire a vehicle where other mothers taught their kids how to dance for an upcoming school prom.

She accepted her role early on as the mother of the legendary future savior of humanity, she accepted the fact that one day she'd have to leave her precious child to his luck against an enemy that would always hunt him in an effort to kill him. She's tried so hard to take his place so he wouldn't have to give up his life and future fighting for a world that could possibly become a barren wasteland, all her life has had one purpose and that's to teach her son how to fend for himself for the day where she can no longer be there for him, and that's a notion that breaks her heart just by thinking about it.

All she can do is pass on her knowledge and experience onto him for when the day comes where she won't be around anymore, but right now her job isn't to be the mother of the future savior of humanity, her job is to console her child that's currently sobbing in her lap. Her son had recently been enamored by a young girl who unfortunately lost her life recently, this was one of the few times she had seen him completely break down. He was usually so strong willed but recent events have left him much more emotionally vulnerable, from his so-called protector going rogue to his only possible chance at having a love life being murdered. She could see in his eyes how he wished it was to be comforted by that damn machine instead of her, but seeing as it didn't make an attempt to speak her son sought comfort in her to which she was happy to provide.

She turned her gaze to see "it" sitting in the same sofa as them just a few inches away from john, she could see how that damned thing was looking at john without a single ounce of emotion as he continued to sob in her lap. Deep down she kind of wished "it" would at least say something or even just stand up and leave, anything would have been better than just sitting there and looking at him without an ounce of empathy, it truly made her blood boil to think her son had been developing feelings for something that would never return them.

"It's ok John" she ran her fingers through son's hair in an effort to calm him down. When he was a baby she would do this and he would instantly calm down. "It's ok, I'm here" She lightly whispered. Slowly she could see how his eyes closed and his breathing evened out, her poor child had cried himself to sleep. She waited for a while before lifting herself and letting John's head fall on a cushion, the third being that was sitting with them seemed to have understood what she was trying to do and got up as well while lifting John's legs so he could be sprawled onto the couch completely.

She briefly massaged her temples with both hands and went into the kitchen, she could hear as "it" followed after her. She grabbed a cup and filled it with tap water along with an aspirin to quell her oncoming headache. She turned around and there "it" was looking at her with that goddamn blank stare, the very same she hated with all her being.

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