Peace in the Workshop

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Welcome back to another chapter guys, we'll be focusing on the perspective of some of the characters when it comes to their lives in the K/DA-verse before getting into the main story. If some of you are worried about my other story then don't worry, i'm just waiting for my artist to finish up the pending illustration. Anyways i hope you enjoy this one.

"Chat/ thoughts/ inner monologue"


John's POV:

Nothing his mother taught him could ever prepare him for the life he was living now. He had always thought his life would involve fighting machines sent to kill him and he had resigned himself to never living a normal life. There were nights where he couldn't sleep and he would spend his time thinking about the inevitable end of mankind and the heavy burden that would be placed onto him.

Those were old thoughts, when he first arrived to this new world he along with the rest of his family were terrified at the fact that the time displacement device has not sent them back in time but to a new universe instead. He still remembered how cybernetic protector Cameron had told them the possibilities of that happening were incalculable, meaning that it should have just been not possible at all.

During the first few months in the world he had discovered was called Runeterra, he was entranced at the vastly different things it had. There were vehicles that could hover, people with incredible strength that made even the most advanced terminator model look like it was made of aluminum foil, people with animal parts and the best part of it all was that magic existed. Sometimes he would geek out at the fact that he was living in a world that was straight out of a fantasy novel.

Cameron for her part had been extremely on edge about every little thing. If she was protective of him in their old world then that feeling had been bumped up by times two hundred, in the first few months there wasn't a single moment she would ever leave his side, she would even assess a fruit vendor to see if he was a threat. John eventually got sick of her overprotective nature and managed to convince his mom to let him find a job, which in turn meant that Cameron had no choice but to let him go. He thought he was finally free from his walking surveillance camera, he went towards a mechanic workshop to ask for somework and to his surprise it was being run by little furry beings called Yordles, the boss of them all being the smartest being he had ever met to this day.

He had managed to make a good impression on every single worker when he first arrived and even managed to get the praise from the owner and his now boss Heimerdinger. That day he was given a test to see if he could repair a vehicle similar to a car from his world, he fortunately managed to do it with relative ease making Heimerdinger hire him on the spot. Unfortunately for him Cameron would pop up on his second day of work and ask for a job as well, managing to pass her test faster then him and getting hired as the assistant manager, he could have sworn her usual blank face had a bit of smugness to it when that happened. Now not only would he be observed at his home but at work too, he would groan at how relentless she was.

Even though there was no Skynet, even though his life as future General John Connor would never come to fruition and even though he would never have to fight anymore for anyone other than his family he was still protected by her. In truth it made him overjoyed that he was finally free of his responsibilities and that he could finally live a normal life, even if it's no longer in his old world, he could finally be just plain John and he was more than fine with that.

Before he could continue on pondering the sound of something blowing up alerted him.

"God damn Hextech engines!" An angry voice was heard.

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