A diamond in the rough

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Welcome back to another chapter in this non conventional story. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as much as my other one. Writing these types of complex characters into stories has always been easier than writing straightforward ones. Chapters 3 and 4 of this story are already available on my patreon as well as 2 more chapters will be uploaded today. 

"Inner monologue/ thoughts"


Sarah's POV:

One year had passed since they had arrived in this strange and frightening world. Everything wasn't only different, it was abnormal, impossible and supernatural. There isn't a single moment to this day that she doesn't question whether their little stunt to travel back in time actually ended in their deaths and this was just an afterlife God had crafted for her. It was just mind boggling how one day they were in a world that had its existence threatened by a murderous machine to a world filled with fantastical beings of power, Continents with different cultures, technology much more advanced than she or he son had ever dreamed of and trends that seemed to be the same like fashion and music.

"Ma'am?" A voice tried to call out.

Sarah would experience panic attacks during the first three months after they arrived in this new reality. Derek would experience insomnia and intense paranoia from his lack of sleep. She expected her son to be frightened but to her surprise his curious mind kept him fascinated, it seemed being in a world similar to a fantasy novel and with no evil human hating machine worked wonders for her son's mental health.

"Uh excuse me?" The same voice called out.

Finally there was "her" or "it" as Derek and she would refer to Cameron, the Terminator modeled after a beautiful female girl. It was frightening to know that even she had no idea what was going on. She would never forget the first time she saw as Camerons usually stoic and blank face morphed into one of shock and almost human-like fear when they realized they probably weren't on planet earth anymore.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" A hand waved in front of her knocking her out of her thoughts suddenly.

She lightly shook her head and saw a man with blue hair giving her a look of impatience. He was wearing what looked like an expensive suit and a high quality wrist watch.

"Sorry, you asked for a Piltovian cold coffee right?" Sarah asked the odd hair coloured man.

This was one of the things she couldn't get used to, the people of this world either had impossible hair colors or were part of some kind of animal. Sarah looked at him and saw he had a single wing folded neatly behind him as well as having talon-like feet, he was most likely a bird Vastaya, a term taught to them by Cameron who had gone days and hours reading this world's history along with John.

"Yep" He said, making the P pop at the end.

"Great, who should I make it out for? She asked as kindly as possible.

"To Rakan, but you can call me whatever you like beautiful" The now named Rakan winked at her.

Sarah wouldn't lie and say he wasn't handsome, on the contrary this man was stupidly attractive, more so than any man she had ever met in her old world and she couldn't help but feel her ego was being fed. She always felt herself too old to be attractive to young men. Unfortunately she would need more than a year to ever want to try and enter into a relationship with any man from this world, especially men with birds or any kind of animal parts.

"Of course sir" She smiled while her brow slightly twitched.

She turned towards her computer-like device and managed to input his order. Sarah turned towards the coffee machine and started making the bird man his beverage while shaking her head and smirking slightly in disbelief. Ever since she started working in this cafe type of place, she had been hit on non stop by many different men to the point her new boss had given her an enormous raise. He had expressed joy at having many customers ever since she arrived and many had even started calling her the "Cafe momma"

"Stupid fucking nickname" She grumbled in her thoughts.

"Here you go sir, one Piltovian cold coffee and a vanilla flavored biscuit" She handed the blue haired man the bag with the biscuit along with his disposable coffee cup.

"Thanks beautiful" He said as he stared intensely at her.

Sarah by no means was easily intimidated, after all she had fought machines that could lift a bulldozer with one hand or even briefly stop a heavily armed tank. Unfortunately ever since she discovered that the people in this world could easily tear apart anything with their bare hands she developed a very tiny sense of fear for its inhabitants.

The bird man named Rakan just stared at her carefully as if he were evaluating her. Her smile slightly faltered and turned into one of nervousness.

"Can I help you with something else?" She asked in hopes of making him go away.

"You are very beautiful Miss.Sarah" He said as he looked at her name tag that was pinned to her work apron. "Too beautiful to be working in a place like this" He smirked.

"Well when you need to make enough money to support your family and pay rent then any job is good enough" She shrugged.

Rakan laughed at her although she did not detect any condescending attitude.

"Sorry, it's just I simply can't walk away after finding a diamond in the rough like you" She watched as Rakan pulled out an all white glossy looking card from a pocket inside his suit and handed it to her. She warily took it and read what it said.

"Brilliant Gem model agency"

Sarah lifted an eyebrow and at the card she was holding.

"Me? A model?" She mentally scoffed. She lifted her gaze to Rakan who was smiling at her. " Sorry Rakan but i'm not a model nor do i have what it takes to be one"

"Many women have said that, but I know a potential model when I see one. Trust me when I tell you I can make you the next big thing" He smiled brilliantly at her. His charisma was very effective, it almost made her believe him.

"Look i appreciate the praise, but i dont think this is for me" She tried to hand the card back only for Rakan to childishly jump back to avoid her.

"Nope, I refuse to believe that. Look Miss Sarah I can wholeheartedly tell you have potential to become as great as any other model, even better in fact." His smile became a bit more gentle. "Keep the card, not many receive a chance like this and when your ready call the number on the back and say you were scouted by Rakan" He picked up his biscuit and coffee as he prepared to leave. "If you do call then trust me when I say your world will change forever" He finished with a smirk.

Sarah saw as his figure exited the store. She couldn't believe she had just been scouted by a modeling agency, in a different world no less. She didn't understand what the men in this world saw in her, especially considering that it wasn't just the men that were attractive in this world but also the women were insanely beautiful to the point many could consider them goddesses. She stared at the card and sighed as she placed it in the front pocket of her jeans.

"My world is upside down already Rakan" She smiled at the irony.

The chime of the cafe's bell was heard signaling the arrival of a new customer.

"Welcome to Pantheon's fierce cafe" She said as she once more adopted a cheerful persona.

A brighter future!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora