Kwazii X Peso ~ Octonauts

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Fandom: Octonauts
Ship: Kwazii Cat X Peso Penguin
Ship Name: Kwaso

I have ALWAYS shipped them. Even when I was younger. Ever since I first watched the show, they've been my favorites and I have shipped them. They're honestly just adorable!

I used and AI Character bot of Kwazii the other day and told him that Peso said he likes him more than a friend, and he said that he would love to be in a relationship with him if Peso just asked :>


Time for the lil mini-story/Oneshot thing:
Kwazii would be the one to catch feelings first. He and Peso have always been a lil closer than with the rest of the Octonauts. Peso, who has anxiety, would sometimes get these nightmares or just get overwhelmed at times. Kwazii is always there to comfort him, and starts to panic if Peso is in trouble. Kwazii just has this- thing. He generally wouldn't be thought to be good at comforting others, but believe it or not, Peso is easily comforted by him. Even just having the pirate cat nearby can calm him. Kwazii stay up late, being the energetic furball that he is, so when Peso gets a nightmare and wakes up at night, Kwazii is always awake and able to go to Peso's room to help. Peso could also come to him.

Should I make a Kwaso fanfic..?

I give this ship a FirstBXBShipIHaveShipped/10-852/10

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