Lloyd X Kai ~ Ninjago

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Fandom: Ninjago
Ship: Lloyd Garmadon X Kai Smith
Ship Name: Greenflame

I used to love this ship a lot. It's uh- really controversial amongst the Ninjago fandom. Greenflame shippers will get a lot of hate for shipping it. There's the people who adore Greenflame and just absolutely love it, there's the people who despise it, and then there's the people like me, who don't really care.

I do like Greenflame. Platonic mostly, but romantically too. It's cute. I don't ship it as much as I used to though. It's an okay ship, but not my favorite.

Kai would catch feelings first. AFTER LLOYD SKIPS HIS CHILDHOOD OBVIOSULY, KAI AIN'T A P3DO. He would start to flirt with Lloyd more than usual (he definitely flirts with all of the guys just to mess with 'em). At first no one would think anything of it, but then Nya would start to catch on. She'd then tell Zane, and the two would help set up Kai with Lloyd :>

Dis one gets a 7/10

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