Chapter 38: cheater

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A/N:: sorry this chapters going to be really short because I don't know what to write. any ideals message me 💋

1 week later

Sam's pov;

Me and lexi are till going strong. we've been even closer this last week after what happened between Trevor and me, lexi forgave me and we're both happy.

Lexi's pov;

So there's a party tonight that sam, I and the boys are going to. there's gonna be loads of other youtubers her too but to be completely honest I don't want to go.

Why don't you want to go to a party with the boys and youtubers you ask?

Well a) there's gonna b alcohol. b) I'm pregnant. c) something always goes wrong at parties.

So the part starts at 7 and it's currently 6 so I'm getting ready.
I have a shower, change my piercings. choose a white dress with matching shoes and my hair was wavy with little plates and a bow in it (pic to the side)

Sam was already downstairs waiting for me, he was wearing black skinnies and a blue button up top.

Lexi; wow babe.... You look ....... hot.
Sam; thanks but look at you tho my sexy thing
Lexi; thank u babe
I went over and hugged him and he whispered in my ear
Sam: I can't wait to get that dress off you tonight

I just laughed and slapped his chest playfully making him laugh.

We made our way to the boys house so we could go with them. we just walked in seeing all the boys sitting on the couch on their phones. I cleared my throat and all the boys look around and their mouths suddenly drop

Lexi; close your mouths you gonna catch flies
jc; sorry..iits just ... you look so beautiful

Everyone agreed and I started blushing

Sam; yeh and she's all mine so stop staring
Sam was getting angry you Cousy hear it in his voice, so I turned to him and but both my hands on his chest and looked up at him
Lexi; babe, calm down the was just being nice
Sam; I don't like what they were saying
Lexi; they just complimented me so calm down
Sam: I'm sorry
I just kisses him to show I forgave him

Kian; so we ready

We all nodded and left. we started walking to the part as it was only down the road.

Once we got there we all split up. me and Sam got a drink of course I had to get a soft drink because I'm pregnant but Sam got a beer. After me and Sam drunk our drinks we went to dance.

We dances for about 4 songs then I had to pee

Lexi; I have to pee, ill be back in a sec
I kissed him and walked off

I walked up the statues trying to find the bathroom when i accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Connor

Lex; oh, hey Connor
Con: hi how u..u lllliking the parttty?
Lex; it's great
You could tell he was drunk cos he was stuttering and smelt of alcohol
I tried walking of but Connor pulled me back and pushed me against the walk and started violently kissing me, I didn't kiss back, instead I tried pushing him away but he was to strong so u kept punching his back.

he finally let go and I ran as fast as I could through the house to try and find Sam. by this time I was in tears. I ran downstairs and into the living room where I left Sam. I walked around a bit still crying to try and see him.

I finally found him and started walking over to him, only to find him eating another girls face off. my hand quickly found it's way to my mouth and I started crying even more. I backed away and went to look for jc.

My head was full of question.
Why would he do that? Does he even love me? Does he know who that's is? Does he know it's not me?

As I kept going I've the questions I ran into jc.

Jc; hey, hey lexi, what's wrong?
I couldn't talk just kept crying. He kept rubbing my back till I calmed down then took me to the back yard where it's quieter
Jc: now lex, what's wrong?
Lex; I went to the bathroom and connor kissed me and I went to find Sam and saw him kissing another girl
Jc; his dead!
He stood up and I just pulled him back down
Lex; no pleas don't can we just leave
Jc: yeh course I'll just text the boys
I nodded and we made our way home once we got in I went and sat on the sofa and cried some more

Lex; hey dad?
Jc; yeah lex
Lex; do u think I could stay her tonight?
Jc; yeah course you can sleep in my room,
Lexi; thanks but where will u go ?
Jc; the couch
Lex; no just come with me, your my dad nothing's gonna happen

He nodded and we walked up to his room.

Lex; dad? I have nothing to sleep in
Jc; wear this
He handed me his shirt
Lex; thank u

After we was both dressed I took my make up off and got in bed with dad. the rest of the night we watched movies until we heard the front door slam, indicating the boys are home

We mad out way downstairs to see them sitting on on the sofa. I sat next to jc far away from Sam and Connor. Sam just looked confused and came over to me and sat the other side of me so u moved away

Sam; what's wrong with you?
Lex: what's wrong me me? What's wrong with you?
Sam: nothing
I was shouting now and crying jc came over to me and hugged me
Jc; just leave it for not lex
Sam; no I wanna know what he problem is
Jc; Sam your drunk just got to bed
Sam: of course I do Why you'd say that

A/N; sorry for the cliffhanger 😂

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