Chapter 8; the hospital

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Lexi's Pov:

Lexi's pov:

I opened my eyes to see trevor kiss my lips I didn't kiss back he pulled away and saw my eyes open he ran out the room and called for the doctor. Jc ran in with the doctor

"What's wrong has something happened?" jc said really worriedly

"No she's awake" Trevor replied smiling the doctor kicked them out of my room until she finished doing tests on me. I could hear the boys taking in the background.

"And done. do you want me to get the boys for you?" the doctor said walking to the door

"Erm y...yes please but only jc" I said near tears I heard her call for jc. he walked in,came straight up to the bed and apologised.

"I'm so sorry lexi, I didn't want this to happen, it's all my fault" he said as he started crying

"No it's not you was just worried about me, I was the stupid one who decide to sit on the roof. not you. if anything its my fault." i said as I started crying, he wiped my tears away.

"When did you wake up?" he said holding my hand

"Just After you left, When Trevor was in the room talking to me" I said quietly

"What did Trevor say to you lexi?" Jc asked with concern. I didn't answer.he asked again then said

"Lexi you can tell me"

"He said he loved me since the day we met at the care home and that he always will and then .." I stopped talking and started crying

"He what lexi?" he asked looking nervous

"He kissed me" I bust into tears again

"Don't worry my beautiful girl I'm here for you I won't let him do the again" he said giving me an awkward hug and kissing my head. the doctor walked in and asked for jc to leave so I could get dressed.

he left and all I could hear was shouting. I was full dressed so I ran out and saw jc holding Trevor up to the wall ready to hit him, I ran up to kian he gave me a hug, I buried my head in his chest, while I was crying. He didn't let me go until it was over

"JC!!!!" kian shouted

"WHAT!" he looked round and saw me crying into kian's chest he let go of Trevor and walked over to me I backed away to Sam,he hugged me trying to make sure I couldn't see anything (he hugged her but held her head to his chest)

"It's okay" Sam said kissing my head I started shaking,fitting,

"LEXI!" I heard Sam call my name but I couldn't reply. next thing I knew I was in another hospital bed with everyone around me. it was silent for about a minuet

"Hey lexi, are you okay?" Sam said as he sat next to me stroking my hair, I just struggled I tried to speak but all that came out was a painful whine

"Don't speak" kian said just as the doctor walked in

"I need you all to leave so I can see if lexi is ready to discharge again" she said with a clipboard in her hand, I grabbed Sam and Kian's hand And whispered "please stay" I looked at the doctor And she nodded, they stood at the back of the room talking looking at me. I could see jc looking at me through the window crying mouthing "I'm so sorry"

Trevor started to talk

"I hope she's okay"

Then next thing I know jc started having ago at him I start crying

"What's wrong lexi?" Sam asked as they both run over to me, I Point to jc and Trevor they run out the room and I could hear kian say

"Jc, lexi is in there crying AGAIN because she saw you to arguing! she's told you about her past, she thinks your going to hurt her"

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