Chapter 26: the alkward chat

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Lexis pov:

Once we got out the car Sam picked me up bridal style and carried me to the house

"Sam, put me down I can walk you know"

He gave me the 'are you serious' look

" yea but to be on the safe side, plus the hospital gave you crutches to walk with for support and you have to use them for 2 weeks" I moaned "and I will make sure you use them because we are shearing a room now" we both giggled as I kissed his cheek

"Oh and lexi the doctor said the stitches are water proof so you can swim" jc said I nodded "so we're gonna swim tomorrow" he said

We walked in the house and Sam put me on the sofa next to him. Jc jumped on the sofa next to me. I was getting tired so I decided to go up stairs.

"Hey dad, I'm getting tired I'm going up to bed" I started to stand up I held my hip

"Okay well I'll help you as I wanna speak to you" he picked me up and walked over to the stairs "Sam, bring her crutches please" Sam nodded and followed us with the crutches in his hand. jc put me in my room so I could get changed once I was changed I walked out my room and saw Sam and Jc was there waiting for me. Jc was about to pick me up but I stopped him

"Dad sams room is two doors away I think I can make it there on my own" we all laughed a little once we reached Sams room we all sat down on the bed

"I'm just gonna get changed don't start yet" Sam said as he walked into the bathroom we both nodded. I knew exactly what they wanted to talk about, my past, Sam walked out of his bathroom and sat next to me Jc started

"Lexi I think we need to know about you past" I broke down in tears they both hugged me I nodded

"Well you know that my mum died when I was 4 a day after my birthday my brother ran away my dad beat me and put me into hospital so many times but one day I couldn't take it anymore I ran away when he was down the pub getting mortal with his mates forgetting that I was at home so I left the country on a boat. When I got to land I ran to the nearest orphanage well when I was there the lady in charge had a husband called Danny and he was my friend I looked up to him but on day when his wife went out he took me to a room and started beating me telling me that I should die,no one like me accept him And he kept shouting horrible names at me like slut,whore,cunt, slapped ect when he was finished beating me I would run to my room and lock myself in it and wouldn't come out until he wanted to beat me again. I couldn't refuse because he would hurt me even more" by this point Sam and JC was crying as well

"It's okay Lexi you don't need to carry on" jc said grabbing my hand

"Yes I do anyway 2 weeks after my first beat from him mrs bitch(orphanage lady) left to go to the shops and left him In charged he took me to his room, through me on the bed, tired my hands together with rope and taped my mouth shut and took my clothes off so i was naked he took all his clothes of I tried screaming but I couldn't he started to rape me a few days later everyone new and that's when I started getting bullied by everyone" i stared crying into my hands Sam pulled me into his chest I started crying even more Jc then hugged me "oh and guys one thing you should know about me is I have type 1 diabetes"

"We're the same then I have type 1 to" Sam said and we all smiled

"we will never hurt you Lexi now why don't you get some sleep you need it erm Sam can I speak to you out side" jc kissed my head then Sam got up and kissed me "I'll be back in a sec lex's" Sam said as him and jc walked out the room.

Sams pov:

I walked outside with Jc and shut the door behind me "yes Jc?"

"Please look after lexi I really don't want her to get hurt again" I nod "oh and promise me you will keep Trevor away from her I don't him to upset her anymore then he already has oh and one last thing don't push her into doing anything she doesn't want to do remember she is only 16"

"Don't worry Jc I won't and I will protect her with my life no one will ever hurt her again gas long as I'm around" and I walked back into my room I lay next to lexi we talked for a while. I wrapped my arms around her making sure I wasn't hurting her and pulled her closer to my body. She turns around and kissed my left cheek then my right them my nose

"You such a tease" I said while laughing I kissed her and she kissed back I swiped my tung across her teeth for entrance and she accepted. We carried on kissing for a while and hugging the we both pulled away and we both fell asleep

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lexis pov;

I woke up and felt strong arms wrapped around my body then I remembered what happens last night from the hospital, to the talk, to the kiss. I looked at my phone it was 9:43 I got up trying not to wake Sam but I failed he grabbed my hand and pulled me back "please don't go I was enjoying that snuggle" Sam said still holding me

"I have to get ready for the day it 9:45 now" I say before giving him one last kiss then stood back up

"We'll let me take you to you room to get ready"

"No don't worry I can got myself"

"We'll use you crutches please for support" I moan "please for me" he says giving them to me "thank you and it's only because I worry about you" we both smiled and I walked out of sams room into mine.

I took a shower then put on shorts and a crop top that says 'what doesn't kill you make you stronger' I've my baby blue Aztec bikini.I open my door to see Sam standing there in his swimming shorts " you got you bikini on babe" I nodded he picked me up and ran down stairs and into the kitchen he made some toast and handed it to me I shook my head 'no'

"babe please you ain't eaten in weeks, you isn't fat you the perfect size" he said giving me the worst puppy dog eyes ever

"That's the worst puppy Dog eyes I've ever seen" we both laugh and I eat. Once we both finished eating we made our way to the garden to see all the boys and Andrea and Jen in the pool we joined them we was in there for ages until about 7 we all decided to get out and eat. After we ate me and Sam went up to our rooms to get change then he walked in my room

Sams pov:

I walked I to her room so see her sitting on her bed I really want to ask her something but I don't know how she will take it because we are Still young so here goes nothing

"Lexi Caylen I love you with all my heart and I always will so I was wondering .....if ... Eh maybe you would like to move in with me?" She just froze " ignore me it was a stupid id-" she cut me off by kissing me I kissed back she pulls way

"Of course I will move in with you" she has the biggest smile on her face and so do I

"We can look for some apartment near here tomorrow morning and we can also tell the boys" I said hugging her we lay in her bed and she falls asleep. I couldn't sleep so I went down stairs and went to find Jc to warn him, I run down the stairs and see him walking into the kitchen I run after him

" JC!" I shout and he looks round he stops "I need to speak to you about me and lexi" we walk into the garden where none of the boys were

"What did you wanna say about you and lexi?" jc says with a worried look on his face

"I asked her if she wanted to get a house and move in with me and she said yes we are gonna start looking for a house tomorrow" I said smiling at first he seemed angry at first but then he started smiling

"Are you okay with it?" I asked he nodded

"As long as you don't hurt her and you find a house near me" he said

"I won't hurt her and we was going to get it near you anyway"

We bro hug "oh and one more thing she doesn't know I told you we was going to tell you all tomorrow but I wanted to let you know first so would you act surprised when she tells you tomorrow please? Oh and don't tell the boys" He nods and we walk back in. I walk into lexis room and I spoon her

"I love you Sam" she whispered

"I love you too baby" I kissed her then we went back to sleep

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