Till death do us part

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You where at the park. It was 2:00am you needed to clear your head. You and your boyfriend shuji had just gotten in a fight and you said some stuff that you where holding back and he just. Ran.

You where laying on the slide with your arm over your face and your knee up on the ledge of it. As the tears swelled in your eyes you frowed in instinct sitting up with your face in your palms. You cried. You just cried. There was nothing else you could do but...cry. It felt so weird, obviously you've cried before but this was different. Everything was just piling and piling and this was the absolute last straw.

You where actually hurting and you just felt lost. He was your world, your galaxy, your..everything. Nothing felt the same with him gone. As you got tired from crying you  stood up but stopped once you heard something. Someone else was there.

"Whos there, i know how to fight i promise" you threatened as your knees went weak in fear. "Y/n? Its me.." the shadow spoke. Shuji.
"Shuji?" You called. "Yeah..." he whispered just loud enough for you to hear it. Fuck it you needed him. You ran into his arms as the tears came back to your eyes.

"Don't..do that. I thought you where fucking dead" you said in between sobs. "Im so sorry" shuji pleaded. "No.im sorry i said that to you and i never should have." You said to him while letting go and holding his hand looking at your fingers at they intertwined with his as you put your head on his chest.

He put his chin on your head. "I know baby..but i never should have done that to you. i should've understood that you werent ready and respected your boundaries. I was only thinking about myself and that was my fault."
He stated.

"I-i love you" he stuttered. You looked up at him. What? Hes never said that before. No body really has. "I love you too." You accepted. There wasn't anyone else. You didn't care. In this moment it was you two nobody else in the fucking universe mattered only you to where there.

And it was going to stay like that.

"Till death do us part"



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