When you decide to fuck the wind, sometimes the wind fucks back

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Venti x xiao

Credits--> Sidneystarr


Venti decides to take what's his, after Xiao has his heart broken by watching Albedo and Aether together.

Or… Xiao gets fucked by the wind and Venti is a little shit who doesn't know how to wrap it up. Or... doesn't care. Might be writing a sequel to this, idk but please feed me crumbs of pregnant/nursing bottom Xiao kink please.



The winds blew, beating against Xiao’s cheeks as he lay in his bed. Sleeping proved difficult in the summer heat as Xiao lay there, tossing and turning over in his bedsheets. The heat was cloying, Xiao feeling sweat prickle under his skin. A soft breeze blowing against his skin, just for a moment, before it disappears again leaving him warm and sweating.

This would not do; Xiao growls as he tosses off his nightclothes. He could not sleep in this sweltering heat. Turning over on his side, he feels the wind whip against his back, sending a shiver down his spine. Cold almost, like the wind itself was caressing him as it tugs at his sheets, trying to force the blankets off of him. Xiao tries to keep his grasp on the blankets, failing that, simply kicks them off as he curls into a tight ball.

Sleep takes him in a matter of minutes, the wind coiling and curling its way around Xiao’s thin thighs as he rolls around in his bed. Feeling like a lover’s caress, the wind makes its way across Xiao’s body, admiring the little goosebumps that form on milk white skin. Swirling and floating it takes a corporeal form for a moment, solidifying into that of a familiar figure.

Soft skin, dark hair and braids frame a youthful face as the wind stares down at him. His eyes burn a deep green as Venti watches over his new friend. It’d been easy to find Xiao, first carried along by the wind as he lets his incorporeal body ghost over Xiao’s own, touching and caressing him in the most intimate of areas. He’d taken advantage of his form to cop a feel of the Yaksha, sometimes letting his hands wander around Xiao’s tiny waist in combat, his legs curling around Xiao’s delicate frame as he pressed soft butterfly kisses down Xiao’s small back.

This time, as Venti looked down at his prize, he would finally get to touch Xiao, in the flesh.

Xiao slept through the night, no doubt aided by the playing of his flute, letting the magical notes carry through the wind as he played music for Xiao. An unnaturally soothing lullaby, the flute music would’ve no doubt soothed Xiao to sleep in a matter of moments. Looking down at him, Venti observes his face.

Fair skin, with soft lips tinted just a little pink. A thumb slips against the pucker of his pink lips as Venti massages his mouth, slipping a single finger into Xiao’s mouth.

Warm. Soft. Welcoming.

Venti suppresses a moan as he slides a finger in and out of Xiao’s lips, imagining that the finger was his cock. Twitching against his bloomers, Venti struggles to hold back his arousal; patience, of which he lacked, would’ve been essential to keeping Xiao compliant. The last thing he wanted would be to wake Xiao up in the middle of the night, dealing with an enraged Yakasha buck naked.

Instead he thumbs his cock in between his hand, shifting his hand lower to rest on Xiao’s inner thigh. Gently, Venti pulls his thighs apart, before his eyes widen in surprise.

Instead of the usual penis he’d been expecting, what greeted him was the sight of a soft, pink pussy. The lips are slightly puffy, with a tiny clit poking out from the inside of the folds. Swollen outer lips hide a barely tucked away labia, still dry and entirely shaved of any pubic hair. Venti was a little surprised at that, for he’d never seen Xiao sleep with anyone.

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