Adeptus' temptation

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zhongli x xiao x childe


On the night of the Lantern Rite Festival, a lonely Xiao walks into a surpising scene.


Despite being invited by Aether, Xiao was spending this Lantern Rite by himself. Not completely alone, he was at Pervases’ temple paying respect to an old friend. However, being without another living being could get lonely.

In the days before the Lantern Rite, Aether had come looking for him, as he had the previous year. The Traveler had taken a seat next to him in the grass, talking about some of the things going on with the missing fireworks and the new shadow lanterns. He was going to be spending it with the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, and as he was saying this, Xiao recognized the question in his face. Aether would like him to join, would like him to be a part of this and not have to be alone.

Xiao had declined–he didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of being around so many people. He preferred minimal company, 1 or 2 others with him at the most. His thoughts quickly supplied the few faces of those he could stand to be around. There was one in particular that stuck around, sharp amber eyes framed by red paint. Zhongli, his Archon who’d freed him and given him a new purpose.

There was an obvious cure to loneliness, and Xiao’s loyalty and dedication led him to the Geo Archon. Now, he just had to figure out how to justify his sudden visit. Zhongli would surely be surprised by the yaksha turning up in Liyue Harbor during the Lantern Rite festival. No one knew Xiao as well as he did.

Could he use Aether’s invitation? No, that would make it even stranger for Xiao to seek out Zhongli instead of being with the Traveler. Saying he was feeling lonely was absolutely out of the question.

Aether! The Traveler hadn’t just invited Xiao, he’d told him about many things happening in the Harbor these days. Aether had spoken about people he had met up with, but also about someone he’d seen in passing. Childe. The Fatui Harbinger Tartaglia being in town may be interesting enough to Zhongli to justify a visit.

Somehow, Xiao ended up strolling through the streets of Liyue Harbor.

But Zhongli couldn’t be found in his own residence. While Xiao himself couldn’t stand being around the many people of the city, the retired Archon didn’t mind them, so it was entirely possible that he was watching the lanterns. Perhaps even with the Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

Before Xiao had had much time to consider whether it was worth it to look for Zhongli in the crowd, a loud sound cut through the quiet. The yaksha was in the outer parts of the city, where few people were left because the lanterns couldn’t be viewed well from here. The sounds of a struggle were certainly cause for concern.

As his duty was to protect the people of Liyue, Xiao didn’t hesitate for even a moment before following the sound. If someone were in danger, he’d be there in seconds.

And he was. Appearing in a cloud of black smoke, Xiao stepped onto a balcony. Sound was coming through the sliding doors, distinctive human sounds of pain and a body being hit.

The adeptus hooked his fingers behind the door. It slid aside easily, giving way to a surprising sight.

Xiao must’ve jinxed it. He was looking for Zhongli and would justify it by bringing him the information that a certain Harbinger was back in town. Past the sliding doors, he found Zhongli, who was already quite aware of Childe’s presence in Liyue Harbor. Quite.

The noise he’d heard before was that of objects being thrown around the room. It was a nice room at a local inn, furnished with a large bed, couch and a desk.

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