The cave

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Xiao x tentacles?!
credits—> anonymous

Xiao has no idea how he'd managed to be so careless, rushing into an unfamiliar cave to dispel demonic energy and not noticing the entirely separate entity lurking in it until it was far too late.


Xiao growls from where he's been pinned down, limbs expertly bound and twisted in a way that prevents any movement.

The monster—the tentacle monster —that had ensnared him, leans over his body with what felt like curious smugness, tendrils curling around him with an air of possession. Xiao has no idea how he'd managed to be so careless, rushing into an unfamiliar cave to dispel demonic energy and not noticing the entirely separate entity lurking in it until it was far too late.

He squirms in an attempt to break free, to reach for his spear, but it's futile—the tendrils hold strong, keeping him locked in place. They pull his bound arms over his head, and wind around his chest and legs, arranging him so he's held up on his back, his belly and torso exposed. Xiao shudders at the vulnerability of the position with a quiet snarl—but trying to channel anemo is entirely ineffective against this opponent.

He's so busy thrashing against the creature, furious with himself at being so easily subdued, he barely notices as a tendril wraps around his neck. It prods at his lips, and Xiao clamps his jaw shut with a growl, twisting his head away. The tentacle writhes in a way that's almost indignant, and tightens the coil around his neck. Xiao chokes, mouth dropping open in a gasp as his breath is abruptly snatched away from him.

In the split second his jaw is open, the tentacle shoves itself into his mouth, stuffing it full. Xiao jerks in surprise, struggling against his bonds.

It's slick with some sort of secretion, the taste sweet and fragrant on his tongue, almost like nectar. It releases a gush of it as it slides into his mouth, pressing dangerously close to the back of his throat. It feeds more and more into him, and then pushes itself an inch deeper, causing Xiao to gag. To his horror, he finds himself reflexively swallowing around the intrusion, accidentally drinking down the nectar in the process.

Xiao's stomach drops. Surely, nothing good could come from ingesting anything a monster seemed keen on feeding him.

Is it...trying to poison him? The liquid doesn't burn like something lethal as its pumped down his throat, but it could be purposefully deceptive—sweet and pleasant tasting to allure a victim. This would be an odd way to go about killing him, however, when it would be far easier to use brute force. It does have him rendered helpless and bound, after all.

Xiao writhes against the tendrils' hold on him, trying in vain to move his head and force the intruding one out of his mouth. Spikes of anemo dash uselessly at the creature, manifestations of Xiao's rising panic. But the tendrils hold strong, keeping him firmly locked in place as it slides deeper into his throat, force feeding him sweet fluid.

He doesn't know how long it holds him like that, but something seems to shift in him, and Xiao feels a chill of dread crawl up his spine as his body begins to react to whatever this creature had decided to do to him.

A steady heat pools in his gut and spreads along his body, his nerves tingling as he's overtaken by an unbearable restlessness. For a moment, he thinks it is poison—something chewing through his body with the intent to destroy him.

...And then, he feels it—the need.

The burning, unbearable, all consuming need .

Xiao squeezes his eyes shut, feeling a shudder run through his body. The heat in his belly swells into a deep, smoldering arousal, one that has him on the verge of trembling with desire. Every sensation suddenly feels sharp and heightened—the fabric of his clothes brushing against his skin, the places the tendrils held him firmly in place—they are all too much, and yet, at the same time, not nearly enough.

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