Play the song when it says 'drops of rain started to fall' for better experience.

Adrien's POV

"Luka do you mind if I talk to her for a second?" I said, trying to keep my cool. He glared, but mumbled in agreement. I looked at her, then dragged her outside and closed the door behind us. I took us to the park of the school, a special place where both of us would meet occasionally.

'Just for a nosebleed?' I bet you're thinking that. The truth is, Marinette and I had a fight a couple days ago, I told her she didn't trust me enough and... well, she told me about the exams that had been done on her blood. Leukaemia. Stage 3. They said it would start with occasional nosebleeds, then more frecuent, then would come the weakness and the passing out, passing out more frequently until she won't be able to stand on her own, hospital bed and then... who knows? I'm scared, she's scared. So I told her to call me every time she got a nosebleed. That way, if she passed out, I would be there to help her. Okok this chapter you may say it's dramatic but idk I just wanted to do you a nice little deed before you kill me with what's happening next. Sorry not sorryyy 😍🥰😘

"Adrien I-" She started, her shoulders down and her eyes hidden in guilt, but interrupted herself. Small drops of rain started to fall. She loves when it rains like this.  I took a strand of hair and put it softly behind her pierced ear, I glanced at her black earrings that contrasted with the gold and red ones, a small part of the weight of her responsability falling down my shoulders. I looked at her, noticing the perfect height difference. It started drizziling. Loving every moment I could look at her, but never knowing when it could be the last. I held her slim hands in mine and nodded for her to continue. She paused for a moment. It started raining a little harder. She looked in my eyes, trying to read my thoughts. I kept my eyes in hers, assuring her I was not angry. It's not her fault. I thought to myself. You think this doesn't worry her too? Why did I ever get angry? It probably just started bleeding, maybe she didn't notice.

"I-I-I...." She started, not managing to get the words out. I just waited, listened. The rain falling even harder.  Everytime she was nervous or felt guilty, she stammered. She had pretty much let it go over the years, but sometimes it came back. It reminded me of when we were 15, when she was scared of me and stammered every word when she was around me. 7 years ago... time flies doesn't it? Rain started to pour from the sky, wetting our hair and clothes, but neither of us seemed to care. In fact, I think we both enjoyed it. I smiled softly "I'm sorry I... It... Please, don't be angry. I know how much you care but-" I raised my hand slowly and put it in her chin.

Gently, I raised her head, her river-like eyes turning to look at me. I held her waist with my other hand and pulled her closer, she seemed confused, I then leaned in and kissed her. She seemed surprised, but kissed back almost inmediately, wrapping her hands around my neck as butterflies flittered inside me and my neck and cheeks grew warm. The rain pouring on us as we kissed, her warmth comforting me as I let go all my troubles and all my thoughts, loving her calmed me more than anyone could possibly imagine, holding her in my arms, her midnight hair damp and impossibly darker, drops of water falling from the edges. The rain started pouring harder on us. Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through my hair as we breathed each other in, warmth filling my chest as if it were the first time.  I kissed her passionately, desperately in some way, the smell of her perfume, of the soft, peachy scent of her conditioner, was dizzying. Her pinkish lips impossibly soft against my own. She kissed me lovingly and softly, sparks ignigting, promising me everything would be okay. That power she possesed to calm anyone who was near her, and her laugh, the way her eyes wrinkled when she smiled... In that moment, nothing in the world mattered, only that I loved her, and she loved me. Our hearts racing, butterflies fluttering inside us, her hand carresing my damp hair, the rain falling like a melody and the warmth I felt with her touch.

Rare is the chance you get when you find someone who is absolutely perfect for you, almost like puzzle pieces, how she fitted perfectly in my arms, the way she was just a little shorter than me. She was perfect for me. We were made for each other, and nothing in the world can prove me otherwise. The rain drops slid across my damp skin, my hand holding her soft cheeks, feeling her warmth as she taught me how she ruled me, how she put me off, then lured me back in. My heart beat strongly, feeling it drum out inside my chest as it raced against hers, almost as if they were in perfect sync. I felt the need to open my eyes, to see more closely her perfectly long eyelashes, her fair, almost pale skin. But my eyelids were heavy and my heart desired to feel every possible spark before observing her again, as pleasant as the sight of her was. She pulled away, I longed for her again, the taste of her chapstick still lingering in my lips. I looked at her mesmerzing eyes, still holding her with both arms and her porcelain hands laying on my shoulders. We stayed like this for a minute, maybe two, but I wish we had stayed longer, I don't care if we had missed all classes, or if we got detention. "I'm not angry, I'm just worried. I would never be mad at you because of something you can't control. Okay?" She hesitated, but nodded softly.

She was about to speak again, but I interrupted her. "No. Don't you dare apologise, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. YOU. DONT. NEED. TO. APOLOGISE. FOR. EVERYTHING. OK?!" I said as I jokingly shaked her shoulders while emphasising every word. "Okay, okay! OKAY! ADRIEN STOP!" She screamed as she laughed. "We do need to get that checked out though." She chuckled softly and nodded as I hugged her tightly, planting a kiss on her head.

"Okay, okay. Enough of this disgusting, cheesy... whatever this is. You are making me loose my appetite." Plagg complained as he flew out of my pocket. "PLAGG! YOU INTERRUPTED THEM! SHUT UP! THEY ARE IN LOVE! Aww, so romantic." Tikki then turned to me. "Sorry about that, love. You know how Plagg is" I chuckled as Tikki dragged Plagg out of the room. "FINE! I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYWAYS!" Plagg shouted from the distance. No matter how many times we did this, I would never get bored of it. We stayed like this for a few minutes before both of our phones chimed simultaneously. Marinette groaned, pulling away and lazily taking her phone to check what was interrupting the moment. Again.

Of course, this only made her groan louder.

She shoved the phone in my face, and I laughed, then sighed. The screen read:

"An akuma has been sighted near your area, please stay inside for your own safety until Chat Noir and Ladybug take care of the matter. You will get a notification informing you it is now safe to go back outside."

"Race you there, My Lady?"

"HA! See you at the finish line, Kitty!"

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