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Marinette POV


That's all I could feel as I came back to my senses, the aching, throbbing pain that spread across my body like vines tangled into trees. I groggily opened my eyes, which closed inmediately due to the bright lights outside. I sat up, groaning in regret as the dizziness and sober pain consumed all sensations. I lifted my hand up to my head in an attempt to calm the gnawing headache eating at my brain, trying to stay as still as posible. After a few minutes, the dizziness faded and the pain became tolerable enough, which allowed my mind to start functioning normally. The first question popped into my mind. 

Where am I?

I tried opening my eyes again, this time the light was easier on my eyes and I managed to actually see something. White, plain walls, a bed, a chair with a jacket, machines? I was hooked up to machines. I looked down at myself. A gown? Oh no, don't tell me-

The door opened, my mother entering the room with tired eyes and a cup of coffee. She raised her head and gasped, running towards me and embracing me tightly in a brief hug. "Oh, Marinette! You're awake! Tom! Tom! Come, quick!" She said, separating herself from me but still holding me by my shoulders softly with tears in her eyes. Dad burst into the room, his figure barely fitting throught the door. His expression turned to one of worry to relief and hugged me as well. I hugged him back, still confused. 

"Mom, dad, hi. Why- why am I here?" 

Their happy expressions quickly faded as they appeared, and their gazes softened when they met my eyes, the pressing silence heavy with hesitance. "You fainted, Mar. Right in front of me, actually. Almost gave me a heart attack." A voice said from the door. I turned, and there stood Adrien. His blonde hair was messier than usual and his skin didn't have it's usual tan, but instead was rather pale. He was leaning against the doorframe, with only his black t-shirt and his jeans. Behind him, peeking underneath his shoulder, was Plagg, who smiled when he noticed I saw him and hid behind his wearer again. I nodded, the memory returning to me. 

"We were out, eating a coffee and some croissants and you fainted out of nowhere." He nodded, staring at me, his smile never fading.

"Yeah, I remember." I said, smiling as well.

The room again fell into an awkward silence, the tension reaching with it's ghostly fingers every corner and crevice of the tasteless white room, hugging the atmosphere with a cold embrace.

"Well, dear. We'll go bring you some clean clothes. You must be hungry?" My mom asked, breaking the icy silence in the room and standing up slowly. I nodded, a wave of gratitude for my Mom's consideration washing over me as I watched my parents walk out of the room, closing the door behind them. 

"Hey, M'lady." Adrien said, sitting in the chair closest to my bed."Hey, Chaton." I answered him with a smile. "What really happened?" I asked, the sarcasm in my voice dripping from my words like a toxic honey. He chuckled softly. "Well, we had just saved Chlo from the akuma and you were walking with her. I was a few steps ahead because you guys were talking. Then I heard Chloe calling your name and then calling me. I turned around and you were on the floor, unconscious and Chloe leaning beside you. I ran to you, took you to the hospital, took off your earrings and detransformed and, well, here we are." He finished, holding my hand and kissing the back of it. 

I nodded in understanding, my heart weighting with the guilt that he and Chloe had to go through that. "I'm sorry." I said, catching his gaze. He gripped my hand tighter, smiling softly at me. "Never be sorry for something that isn't your fault, Mar." 

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