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(Nobody's pov)

They raced to the top of the Eiffel tower, laughing and shouting at each other as they jumped. The midday sun shining on Ladybug's hair as the wind blew against her face, her laugh a harmonious melody that brought Chat's heart to a very stop. He turned to see her, her eyes closed as she laughed and streched her arms widely. He could only laugh and smile with her, her happiness contaigous.

"Ha! I won!"- She said breathlessly, gasping desperately for air.- "You're too slow Kitten." She said as Chat landed in the floor of the parisian landmark, he then crossed his arms in a sassy position. "If I'm so slow, then why are you gasping for-" He was cut off by an akuma, a girl, to be specific. Probably 17, 18 years of age, her hair a raven dark, her bright eyes covered by a purple mask filled with what seemed to be tears, yet she smirked.

"Ladybug. Chat Noir. Hello." - They glanced at each other, both equally surprised by the calmness of her voice. Chat turned into a defensive position, yet Ladybug stayed perfectly still.

"Hey.." -said Ladybug gently- "are you okay?"

 She asked. She usually would not ask that question, having that akumas are created by strong negative emotions, but this girl.... She seemed different. More broken. More calm. It reminded her of someone but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. The girl laughed, scoffed and crossed her arms, her expression turning into one of spite and the sword in her hand beaming furiously. That's it. Thought Ladybug. The sword

 "Shut the fuck up, you fucking insect. What would you know? You're just the fucking hero right? The protagonist that can never do wrong. You have the perfect fucking life don't you?! You have a fucking miraculous, powers and EVERYONE loves you! If only they knew the fucking bitch you are, maybe their attitude towards you would change. They would treat you like the whore you are."

 Chat's blood boiled and his fists clenched as he only saw red, knowing how untrue and unfair it was for them to be told they had the perfect life. Specially them. The truth was, they were the ones that carried with more, that suffered, lied, hurt for others, but only to be rewarded with screams and the stereotype of 'the perfect life of a hero'. Ladybug had carried with so much, so much pressure, responsibility. He had to witness as everyone diminished her and her effort and he was fucking tired of it.

Chat took one step forward and was about to speak, but Ladybug's hand stopped him.

 "Yeah... you'll never get it." She finished "Please, give me your miraculous." They sighed.

 "Sorry, but we can't do tha-" Started Ladybug. 

"Same old question, same old answer. Hey, Hawky when are you going to stop using kids to do your dirty work? Always the same shit..." Chat mumbled.

 "Tell me, señorita. What shall we call you? I think fucking bitch would work, but pick me can also be in the picture. What do you say? You seem real brave with words and calling Ladybug names, but if you stood five minutes in her shoes I bet you would already be at the edge of a building, suicidal. Not past minute and a half, of course."

The girl growled in anger, making a ball of her fists and clenching her sword as she launched towards them with all her might. Chat smirked, his baton twirling in his fingers as he shot a final look at his partner who stood there, still in shock and her cheeks reddening by the second and smiling at him.

"I'll buy you time, 'cause clearly she has something against you." He winked.

Chat's pov

I winked at her playfully, smirking at her blushing face. 

God, it was fun to make her blush.

 Turning my attention back to Chloe, (yes, the girl turned out to be her, once again ) I launched at her, both of my hands holding a piece of my baton. She swinged her sword behind her head, jumping and directing the sword at me as her arms quickly stretched. I made a cross with my batons, blocking the hit. After she lost her momentum, I jumped, swinging my left leg swiftly at her head. She managed to duck just in time, but not before I used my remaining momentum to direct it at my fist as my body turned graciously in the direction my arm was going, successfully making Chloe take a hard blow to the cheekbone, inmediately making it red with blood dots scattered all over and making her fall.

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