Chat POV


I inmediately turned around, my ears perking up. Chloe kneeled to the floor covering her mouth with one hand whilst the other moved around in panic over the body of Ladybug next to her, her nose bloody and her face pale. 

It took me a few seconds to completely process what was going on. 


I ran to her, kneeling inmediately as my eyes hovered around her unconsious state. 





My heart pounded in my ribcage, a thunderous beat that revebrated through my body, matching the rhythm of my escalating panic. My lungs were short of breath, which came in shallow gasps as my mind raced to find solutions to the overwhelming situation laid out before me, not forgeting to add the dreadful posibilities of how this might turn out. Chloe was kneeling across from me, her stare piercing through my skull and sensing my rising anxiety. She put her hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake from my grim train of thoughts. She squeezed my shoulders tightly, making the pain intensify as she searched for my lost gaze. I turned to look at her, my mind begging her to help me handle this. She knew how much I cared for her and she knew well the feeling that arose me. 

 "Get her to a hospital, she might be having a hemorrhage. You're the quickest out of both of us, but if you can't do it I'll transform. We need to decide. NOW." Her tone was demanding, but gentle. I knew what I had to do, but I couldn't get my body to cooperate. 

"I-I can't, Chlo." My voice came out so weak that she was barely able to hear it, but she did. She nodded and lowered her hands to her sides, calling out her transformation. 

"Pollen, buzz on." 

She knelt down once again and carried Ladybug bridal-style, turning to me.

"I'll get her back to you. I promise." 

She leaped and ran to the nearest hospital, leaving me on my knees, tears stroking the corner of my eyes. I took my baton, barely being able to hold it with my trembling hands. I slowly dialed a number I had learnt by heart and pressed the icy phone to my ear, the line ringing twice before picking up.

"Hello?" A friendly male voice picked up.

"Nino." I called.

"Chat? What's wrong?" His voice sounded of worry.

I stayed quiet for a minute, still trying to form the words.

"It's Marinette." 

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