Chapter 1: Stella

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Love and war, they say, may have nothing in common, but I've come to realize that both have their own kind of destruction. Love is a battlefield where hearts are broken and shattered dreams lie in the rubble. A battlefield where the soul is ripped apart and lives are upended.

The war started long before I was born, Actually I was born in the war, and grew up with the sounds of bloodshed and destruction echoing through the hills. My mother was forced to give birth in the midst of the battlefield, and somehow I managed to enter this world despite the raging violence and conflict all around me.

I was too weak to go outside and help my parents fight the enemy, and my heart broke as I watched our people being slaughtered and our land burning to the ground. I felt so useless, so powerless, as I was forced to stay inside our castle and shelter in safety while the world outside was consumed by warfare and bloodshed.

I've always wondered what it would be like, if I were to be born a few hundred years before all of this started. I had no contact with other human beings besides my parents.

I stare blankly at the open field in front of me through the window,
To my surprise a wounded bird flies into it: it startles me, knocking me out of my thoughts.
The window now has a visible crack in it.

I step out of the mansion quietly, taking in a deep breath, I walk out of the threshold outside. I spot the injured bird laying on the stone floor, laying on it's back.

It wasn't right to leave the mansion but it also wouldn't be right to leave it here. The area outside was droughted, with only a single tree planted in front, I spot a bird's nest on it. The bird doesn't seem injured, which I question because of the impact it left on my window.
It seemed impossible, but guess not.
Silly bird.

Scooping the bird up in my arms, I take her, or him towards the tree.
Another bird chirps, which I'll assume is her mother.
I place her down, slowly but surely in her nest with her mom and walk away, leaving them to reunite.

Before turning back to my mansion, the birds chirp again, making me turn my head towards them.

I see a man in the distance running towards me. I didn't think much of it at first but the closer he ran, the more visible his face was to me.

Robert. My father's messenger.
He comes back to me once a month to update me on my parents' progress, to let me know they're ok.

His last visit here was last week.
Why was he back so soon?
The question itched my mind.

Our mansion was planted far away from the war to avoid any suspicions or detection. It would take over three hours to travel here on foot, which meant this had to be important. Leaving mother and father's side without reason wasn't a bright choice.

Though Robert is their messenger, that does not mean he is not a soldier himself.

"Stella." Robert shrieked "Cerulans, they're tracking your location. Your mother and father are being held captured and are being tortured right this moment. You are not safe here any longer."

Horror filled my thoughts.
Mom? Dad? This was not possible.
I had so many questions in my mind but the only word I managed to utter out was "What?"

Robert put a distressed look on his face, "Stella, Stella please. Your mom and dad would want you safe. You have the move, far away. Best if it's in Cerula yourself. They wouldn't think to check there for you."

All I could hear was the sound of my heart racing, words were being thrown at me like a missile.

"Remove your emblem, pack your disguised clothing, other than that leave it behind. You're a smart girl, I know you'll make it to the border.
You must flee this place before it's too late."

"But what about you Robert?
Will my parents be alright?"
I say, my voice shaking, myself trembling at the thought of them being in danger.

"I'm going back for them. We're planning an attack to rescue them, Stella. But promise me, promise me you'll go. You have to."
Without another word, he headed off, running back the direction he came from.

I didn't have enough time to process this but I knew what I had to do.

Operation 1: Cerula.

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