Chapter 3: Stella

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I stepped out of the castle, taking a deep breath of fresh air. The world spread out before me. I kept on running, not stopping for anything.

After what felt like hours of running and avoiding crowds, camps which could lead to possible threats, I made my way towards the border.

I feel a sense of uncertainty and tension. The two sides met here, I tried hiding myself, to not be involved in any type of danger in the war. My mother always told me I was quick on my feet, and I could easily blend in. It was a gift from her, she said.

I stepped into Cerula, hearing endless screams and the sound of swords slicing, training was an unpleasant sound, but I knew I had to keep going.

I'll travel to the edge to hide, I know mother and father will find me after they are freed. Then I could go back to my normal life.

As the night fell, my heart began to race. Wandered deep into unfamiliar territory, I had no idea where I was, and the darkness was closing in around me. The only thing I could hear was the distant sound of a village. As I got closer to the village, my sense of fear and anxiety only grew. I had no idea where I was or who I'd encounter in the village. And I could feel the threat of danger closing in around me like a noose.

"No, it's ok, you're disguised. They would never find out your identity. There was nothing that could give away that you're indeed not a Cerulian." I mumbled, then looked around, did I say that out loud?

Luckily, the sounds of the villagers drowned out every single bit of my voice. I didn't hear slashes, nor shouts in this area, which meant I had to be further away from the border now.

I peered at the nearest village while hiding behind a tree, with a mix of nervousness and curiosity. I could see the residents of the village going about their daily lives.

Not paying attention, I felt a sharp sudden pain in the back of my head, and instantly a wave of blackness washed over me. I lost my grip on consciousness, my balance, and everything faded to blackness.

I was vaguely aware of people moving around me and doing things, but it was all a blur. I couldn't make sense of the sounds and voices. It was all just a chaotic jumble of jumbled and vague images.

The pain in my head lingered, and I felt like I was still in a state of delirium. The colors around me were dull and muted, and I couldn't focus my eyes on anything specific. The noise and voices all seemed to blend together, and I had no idea what was going on. I had no sense of time or space, and I felt as if I had lost all control over my own body.
It was a strange and disconcerting sensation, and I was beginning to feel nervous and helpless.

I heard muffled voices and snippets of conversation, but it was hard to follow what was being said. I was becoming increasingly alert, but my mind was still foggy. Something had hit me in the back of the head, if in this case, the most reasonable answer would be a stone.

My body felt tired and heavy, and when I tried to fight the sleepiness, it seemed to slip through my fingers.
I was drifting towards the edge of unconsciousness, and everything felt blurry and hazy. The voices sounded strange and echoey, and I had no idea what was happening.
As I drifted deeper into sleep, my body felt like it was being pulled under by a strong current, and it was impossible to resist. I could feel my mind becoming more and more unfocused and dulled, and all I could do was surrender to the darkness.

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