Chapter 4: Stella

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Moments after, I felt the Darkness began to slip away, and I could tell that my senses were slowly returning to me. I felt like I was floating in a sea of fog and mist, and it was hard to make out anything specific. The ache in my body seemed to be less intense, but the pain was still there. I also began to feel a strange sensation under my fingers, as if I were touching something, but I couldn't tell what.

I sense a presence. It's subtle, almost imperceptible, a hint of a masculine energy. I can almost picture him.

Reality crashes in as I jolt awake on a hard mattress. Fear grips me as I see him - the man I sensed. His gaze is intense. He's sat beside me, gently touching my ring finger.

He slowly pulls his hand away, noticing that I was awake.
His expression was unreadable, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. The room was dark and eerie, which made him even more intimidating.

The man's expression was impassive and uncaring. His sharp gaze pierced through me, as if he were staring directly into my soul.
A chill shot down my spine at his piercing gaze, and I felt utterly powerless in his presence.

"Get up." he commanded in a hard, harsh voice. My whole body felt like a shaking, trembling leaf as I stare up at him with terror-filled eyes.

I struggled to my feet, feeling wobbly and unsteady. He was watching me, his impassive demeanor added to the sense of fear and nervousness growing inside me.

My head felt like a spinning top.
He was fidgeting with the rings on his hand. He was spinning the rings around his fingertips and tapping them together in a rhythmical pattern.

This went on for a few seconds when at last, he broke the silence with that raspy voice of his.

"So? Is there something that you would like to say?" He stops fidgeting with himself, and stares at me.

I take a deep breath, recalling the last time I was conscious.
"I-i got lost" I stare at the hardwood floor, not being able to meet his gaze.

"Lost?" He inquires, with nothing but a cold expression on his face, at this point I was wondering whether be had any human emotion at all.

"I'll give you one chance to confess who you are, and where you're from." He pauses "Since I'm in a good mood today, I might consider giving you the easy way out."

This was his good mood?

That was when I noticed the sharp rapier in his hand. I reckon that was the easy way out.
If I were to surrender myself to him, there was no chance of getting here out alive.
All I knew was that the hard way out was probably more painful and excruciating.

I open my mouth, close it, then answer, confidently. Meeting his gaze, to show how I am unfazed by him, which was all an act. I was trembling with fear.

"I'm from the North of Cerula"
I took a great risk in answering that because I had absolutely no idea whether I was on the east, west, north or the south.

I was never one to believe in god, but in this moment I prayed for this ground where I was standing on, not to be the North, for that would blow my cover, and well, could possibly result to my end.

Though he nodded to my response, he didn't seem to buy it.


My eyes widen in shock at the sound of his voice, his voice didn't hide even the slightest bit of benevolence.

"What?" My voice comes out as shaky and agitated, unlike a few moments go.

"You heard me. Strip."

His voice sent a chill down my spine. As much as I wanted to refuse and say no, I knew there was no other choice.

"Now." He said in an even colder and harsher tone, and this time it wasn't even a request. It was a command.

I took in deep breaths, trying to quell my nerves and not do anything stupid. I peeled the dress off my body, carefully making sure it didn't snag on anything. I kept my underwear on, already feeling so humiliated and exposed. I just wanted this whole thing to be over and done with.

He gave me a look of disapproval, and clenches his jaw.
"Keep your panties on, but the bra comes off." He orders again.

I suck in a breath, my heart sped up as my bra came off. My skin prickled in shame and embarrassment, and though I tried to stay still and show no emotion, I felt my cheeks heating up with nerves.

His eyes were focused on my left breast, clearly searching it for any trace of the Auronian emblem, then he once again meets my gaze.

Other than that, he didn't even budge an inch. His indifferent and cold expression remained unchanged, and it felt like the situation didn't even faze him or bother him in the least.
He was clearly used to seeing women in this state in front of him.

He turns away from me
"Get dressed, and get out of my house."

I put on my dress and underwear, and peer out the glass window, noticing it getting dark outside.
I call out to him.

"Can I stay for the night?" I say, swallowing my pride. It wasn't long until I realize how ridiculous I sounded.

He turns towards me, eyeing me with a glimpse of amusement in his eyes.

"And what makes you think I'll let a stranger in my home? You were sneaking around the village. That doesn't seem like normal behavior."

After hearing him say that, I walk disappointingly towards the door.
I open it, and as I'm about to step out
He speaks up.

"Wait." I pause in my tracks and turn towards him once more.

"Do you have any work experience?"

I raise my eyebrows, confusion visable on my face.

"You have no where to go, correct? You've come a long way from the North, this is the South after all."

I nod slowly, still not getting what he's trying to say.

"I'll let you stay here, as long as you want. On one condition."

He takes a few steps to my direction
"You've probably seen how large this place is, and I've got a lot of spare bedrooms. My files also need organizing." He pauses for a long while, deciding whether or not to say what he's about to.

"Be my assistant."

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