Chapter 8: Stella

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I got out of bed, stretched for a bit, then head for the bathroom.
If I hadn't already noticed how wealthy this man was, I would've definitely noticed it now, for he had a bathtub in the guest room.

Quincy was definitely one of the higher ups in Cerula, that would explain his wealth. I slide into the tub. letting the hot water wash over my body.

The sensation is comforting and soothing, allowing me to ease into a state of relaxation. The warmth of the water seeps into my muscles and fills me with a sense of calm and freedom. I close my eyes, absorbing the sensuality of the water, and letting my thoughts drift away. The sensation of being enveloped in warmth and surrounded by soft bubbles makes me feel as though the world outside of the bathtub has disappeared. I feel like I can let go of all my worries and anxieties, and just exist in this moment of tranquility.

I remain in the bathtub for awhile, basking in the comfort and serenity that the experience brings. I breathe in deep breaths and relax the tension in my body, letting go of all worries and insecurities. When I feel like I have soaked in enough of the experience, I step out and grab a towel sitting nearby. I wrap myself in the warm fabric, allowing my body to dry naturally.

I look over at the dress Quincy prepared for me, and carefully put it on, to my surprise, the fit is perfect, the material soft and light on my skin. I admire how the dress falls gently on my frame.

I stare into the mirror, and I turn my body around in front of it. Twirling in the dress and feeling the fabric flow gracefully over my body. I enjoy how light and feminine the dress is, and how it perfectly complements my figure. Its plunging neckline also suggests a bit of cleavage, adding a touch of sensuality to the overall look. My confidence grows as I continue to look at myself in the mirror, admiring how well the dress fits me.

I take a few minutes to find Quincy's door and knock on it lightly,
"Come in." He says, still in his quiet tone but loud enough for me to hear him.

I open the door and step inside the room. Right infront of the door, Quincy was wearing a tux. Elegant and impeccable, the tailored look fit for a man of his status. Whatever his status was. His tie is neatly knotted at his throat, and his expression is stoic and unreadable.

When our eyes meet, I feel a wave of confidence wash over me, as I take in his distinguished appearance. The sight of his confident and commanding presence makes me feel uneasy.

Quincy's eyes roam over my body silently, taking in my appearance and giving me a sense of his analytical nature.

I feel his gaze on my skin, taking in every inch of me as his eyes move up and down, analyzing each aspect of my appearance. It went on for no more than three seconds, but it was undeniable that it happened.
A wave of nerves flushed through me as he did so, but I managed to shrug if off.

"I don't need to do my hair and make-up, correct?" I call out to him, my voice carrying a hint of nervousness and hesitation. 

He steps towards me, sighing.
"And what makes you think that?"

"There wasn't a comb or well, basically anything in my bathroom. So I thought-"

"Sit down." He glances toward the vanity table before slowly returning his gaze to me, his eyes meeting mine and holding my attention.


"You really need to get your hearing fixed, Stacey. " I roll my eyes at the sound of that.

He moves closer to me and rests a soft hand gently on my shoulder, his fingers delicately gripping my flesh. He leans in close to me as he pulls me to sit down.

Before I had the chance to react,
he had already started gently curling my hair into loose waves, making sure not to make them too tight or too loose.

As he takes different strands and curls them, he pulls my hair up to create a delicate French twist.

He holds my hair in this style, allowing the curls to fall into place as he works on different sections of my hair.

The moment he finishes the french twist, he places pins inside of it to secure everything in place.
The pins give the hairstyle a little extra detail and elegance, which makes it look even better on me.

"With the time crunch, it's not feasible for you to put on any makeup. But if you'd prefer a little bit of it to help you feel more comfortable, you can always put something minimal on like lipstick or mascara while you're riding in the car."

Quincy nods at the cosmetics' case on his nightstand, grabs his black briefcase and in a rush, heads out.

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