Chapter 1

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A/N Edited. Feel free to point out further mistakes.

Also, if anyone wants to make me a cover (cause this one I made sucks lolol) you can put it on Tumblr with the hashtag that summer on wattpad or just send it to me. If you do I greatly appreciate it. Same goes for any of my other stories but mainly this one.



"Skylar! Open this stupid door now!" yells my brother Harry as he bangs on said door repeatedly.

"Now why would I do that?" I ask, trying my best to sound sweet while I push back against the door incase he manages to break the lock. He's stronger than he looks, well, actually no. He's not. He's a weakling. But who knows. I need to be prepared for anything. Which is why I have my zombie apocalypse survival kit. Its homemade too. I keep it under my bed and have another small one in my backpack.

"Because I have a surprise for you." He pounds on the door again. Oooo surprises! I love surprises.

"What is it?" Now I'm curious. I love them except the whole 'surprise' part of it anyway...

"Nandos!" he tells me.

I fling the door open excitedly and Harry runs in, tackles me to the floor, and tickles me. The bastard. He knows my weakness. Again, I repeat my twin is a bastard sometimes.

"Where's, my, NANDOS?!" I demand. Well, at least I try to, but giggle between words because he is tickling me. I giggle again and kick him in his stomach. Jerk deserves it. Whoops. I meant whoops. Reflexes. *wink wink*

Harry laughs. "There isn't any. I just wanted in!"

I punch him in the gut. He knows Nandos is my favourite! "Get me Nandos bro!" I beg. My eyes silently add on, 'or else'.

"I was going to," he says, "until you used all the hot water, kicked me, and punched me."

"Fine." I say, sticking my tongue out at him. "I'll just get mom to take me." Mom card always works because I'm the youngest (by a few minutes) and her 'little baby'. Every youngest child will agree with me. A few sobs and puppy dog eyes gets me whatever I want. And Harry in trouble as well.

He laughs at me. "Go ahead." Hmm. Something is up.

I run out if the room -punching him again for good measure on the way- and down the stairs, bumping into someone. Louis. Damn it he's always here. And the only other member of my brother's band that I know.

"Morning!" He chirps.

"Have you seen my mom?" I ask him.

"Sky, You slept in." He laughs, "She left for work two hours ago."

"Damn it!" I yell. That means I have exactly -i glance at my phone- 10 minutes to get to my job at Starbucks.

"By Lou!" I scream as I run out the door and down the street to work.

People look at me funny as I run down the street. Haven't they ever seen a teenage girl running gracefully down the street and looking amazing even in casual clothes? I mean, damn, I know I'm hot but do you have to stare?

OK. Maybe that's not why they were staring, but in my head and if anyone asks it was. Truth? I probably look like a raving lunatic running down the city streets with my hair flying behind me, waving my hands frantically and screaming to the world that I'm late. Although there had to have been a few people looking because of how hot I look because come on, look at me! Again. Not the truth, but I've already denied myself one explanation.

I see the Starbucks and run to it, as fast as I can, rounding the corner and ramming smack into a pole.

After shaking my head to clear the stars that have suddenly appeared and shoo them away, I keep going. Minor detour. That's all the pole was. She wants me.

I laugh to myself while I enter the Starbucks, again making people think I'm a raving lunatic, because that reminds me of a YouTube video. A call me maybe parody.

I pull on my uniform over my clothes and think again, SHE WANTS ME!



So I know this first chapter is EXTREMELY short....but I hope you like it. Feel free to give feedback. Btw this is FICTIONAL. Just incase there's any confusion because, you know, it's totally realistic.

Xoxo ~T

PS. I do have a collection of shorter fanfiction that I write by request if anyone wants one. You can request one by message or comments. Thanks

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