Chapter 7

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.



"EL! I FREAKING MISSED YOU!" I yell as I attack her with a hug.

"I know I know!" she squeals, "I missed you too! But I have been so busy but I'm in town now so we can hang out!"

Maeve comes into the mud room with us and squeals when she sees El. "AHHH! YOU'RE BACK IN TOWN! Mani pedi time!!!"

"We're supposed to be playing truth or dare with the guys..." I say slowly.

We all look at each other and run for my room. As we pass the living room, Lou yells, "We were playing a game here! And that's my girlfriend! Come backkkkk!"

Haha. Sucker.

"So what colour?" El asks me.

"Um...this one?" I say holding up a bottle of nail polish. I say it like a question though.

"No. Sorry I refuse to paint your nails with that. How bout this one?" She holds up a sparkly purple colour.

I nod excitedly. "Yes!"

"So what's been going on with you guys?" El asks as she starts painting my nails.

"Well, I just got back from a skateboard camp," Maeve tells us.

"Oh yeah, how'd that go?" I ask her.

"Pretty well. I learned so many new tricks," she says, "And there were a bunch hot guys so I can't say anything bad about it."

"Did we know any of them?" El and I ask at the same time.

"No," she sighs, "Most of them were from out of town."

"Well that sucks," El says sympathetically.

"Nah it's okay. Harry is way hotter than any of them anyway."

"I still don't understand why you like my brother May," I say, shuddering. Ewww. If she only knew all the gross jokes and stuff he does.

"I'm sorry, he's just so...amazing," she sighs dreamily, "I can't help it.

There is a weird silence. Until we ruin it by laughing.


By they time we head back downstairs with the guys, it's really late and we frankly just didn't feel like playing truth or dare. Mostly because we're all too lazy to get up for dares. So we decide to play would you rather instead.

"Harry," Maeve says, "Would you rather take a bath in yogurt or ice cream?"

"Um I'm going to gave to go with yogurt. Because it's a liquid," Harry says as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Liam, would you rather eat a meatball the size of a basketball, or a pics of broccoli the size of a tennis ball?" Haz asks. He makes it seam like eating broccoli can kill you. Jeez.

"I would eat the broccoli," he says, "Maeve, would you rather have a life supply of gummies or a life supply of lollipops?"

Now this might not seem like a hard question, but Maeve loves candy. Actually loves candy. She always has some in her bedroom. She calls it the emergency stash. Meaning if there isn't any in the rest of the house, there's some there.

She thinks for a minute, then says, "Lollipops."

I happen to glance at the clock and see that the time is 3:27AM. Woah. "Uh guys, look at the time."

"Right. We should get to bed," Liam agrees. "Night."

I had managed to avoid the dare for a few more hours.


The next morning though, I was not so fortunate.

The moment I walked down the stairs, Louis yelled, "Dare time Skylar!!!!"

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to face my doom.

"What is it?"

Louis grins, glances at Harry, then says, "I dare you to sing for us!"


"So she just passed out?" I hear Maeve say, "with no warning at all?"

"Yeah all we did was ask her to sing..." Louis says.

"Oh damn. I know why.. " Harry whispers.

Louis and Maeve wait patiently for Harry to continue. "She's really insecure about singing. Has been since some bastard shoved her of the stage in year three."

Does he really have to put that in? That was the most horrifying moment in my life. It was horrible. To make it even more embarrassing, I broke my arm when I landed. And people wonder why I have been traumatized from singing. Having someone break your arm can do that to you.

"Well aren't you going to wake her up and ask her if she's okay?" Maeve asks.

"Oh," Harry says, "Right."

There is a few moments of silence then I feel ice cold water hit my face and I gasp and sit up. Harry is holding a bucket. He just dumped a bucket of cold water on my head. So much for concern.

I glare daggers at him. "Asshole."



Thank you so much for reading!

Xoxo ~T

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