Chapter 14

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


Niall and I head back downstairs and find everyone else fast asleep. Losers. Its only 2:00 am. Wait. 2:00 am? Where did the time go?

I carefully tiptoe over my brother and our friends and into the kitchen. The sun is already starting to come up, so I leave the light off and just search for what I want.

I scan the cupboard.....Strawberry Jam, Blueberry Jam, Peanutbutter, Honey...not what I want. Then I know where it is.

I fling the fridge for open. Its sitting right in front of me with all its yummyness. Nutella...

I take it out and grab a spoon, then head over to get the rest of my midnight snack.

"You're eating it like that?" Niall asks, "You know Liam did once and he threw up."

I just roll my eyes at him while I get the breadbasket and pull out two slices of bread. I pop them in the toaster and wait.

"Ugh this is taking too long!" I complain, rubbing my hungry belly. I push the cancel button and they pop up. "YAY!"

I use the spoon to drop a big glob of Nutella on each slice and put the together. I take a big bite and moan in delight.

"Can I have one?" Niall asks.

In response I chuck the loaf of bread at him and point toward the cupboard. He reaches for the Nutella but I shake my head no. "Mine!" I growl protectively, wrapping my arms around it as if its my baby.

"Come on!" he begs. "Please?"

"Fine," I give in, "but only because you're my bestie. But remember this when the zombies attack and you want to sacrifice someone."


"Well, right now they only live in small numbers in big graveyards, confined to its gates, but one day they will escape. I just know it." I explain to him. Does he not know this story?

"OK. I understand now." Good. He better.

We go up to my room and play call of duty till everyone else wakes up.


Someone shakes my shoulder, and usually I would go all karate ninja on them, but frankly, right now I'm just too tired.

I open my eyes a little bit and see that I am laying with my head on Niall's chest, both of us on the floor with game controllers in our hands.

Huh? We must've passed out after waiting forever for these sleepy heads.

"Aww! You guys are so cute!" Dani says.

"Awww Nialler found his princess!" El adds on.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Waaaaat?"

Everyone but Niall and I start laughing. "What's so funny?" I whisper/ask him.

"Beats me," he whispers back.

"Bye Nialler," I whisper.

"Where are you going?" he whisper/asks me.

"Work," I answer. I put my finger to my lips, wink at him, and use my super ninja like skills to roll/sneak out of the house.

Once I'm outside I remember that I don't have a job for the week. Guess I gotta do something else.

I look down and see that I am still in my clothes from yesterday and I haven't showered or anything yet anyway.

Oh well. I will go home and do it later. Gosh, I'm so lazy.

I walk down to the river where Niall and I goofed off a few days ago, and climb a big tree.

Once I'm up, I pull out my phone and start playing ice cream jump. Old I know. But as the saying goes, old but gold. I'm so cheesy....I like cheese...I want cheese now. Mmm cheese.

As I keep playing, I start singing quietly, 'Right from the start, you were a thief you stole my heart, and I, you're willing the dumb. I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty and with every touch you fix them. Now you been talking in your sleep oh oh things you never say to me oh oh. Tell me that you've had enough of our love, our love.'

I stop when I hear a twig break underneath me and stay as still as I can. Thank the gorillas that I am a ninja. I glance down and see Niall.

He looks around and frowns. "I wonder why that person stopped?" Then he picks up his phone. "I could have sworn I saw her come this way... sorry Haz."

Haz yells so loud that I can hear, "Well she isn't at work! Her boss said she never showed up! Isn't anywhere! We have everyone looking for her!" I stop listening after that because, a) Niall is walking down the path and I can no longer hear, and b) I have a plan.

I quietly and quickly climb down the tree and sprint home.

I check to see if anyone's home and when I find the results negative, sit on the couch and turn on the big bang theory.

Fourteen minutes later, I hear Liam on the phone, "Haz she probably just wants some time alone. She'll come back when she's ready." He hangs up, then comes in the living room and sees me.

"Hey stranger," I greet.

"Hello," he grins. He sits next to me and watches with me.

"How mad do you think he will be?" I ask with a smile.

"Who knows." Liam answers, also smiling. "Do you really care?"

"Good point," I don't. He's not the boss a me. Ha!

About half an hour later, Haz, Lou, Zayn, and Nialler walk in. They holler something to Liam about sending the girls home. Then they walk in and see us.

"What are you doing?" Haz yells.

Liam puts an arm around my shoulder, "Hanging with my friend. Is that not OK?"

I look to see the guys reactions and Haz's is hilarious. He is fuming mad! Niall looks...I don't know. Zayn looks board, and Lou looks like he's in a dilemma of whether he should be giving me a high five for making Haz mad, or getting mad with Haz.

"Hey bro. Wasup?" I ask.

"Do you know how worried we were!?" he yells.

"Why on Earth were you worried? I was right here?" I ask innocently.

"Don't. Ever. Scare me like that again!" Haz yells before storming up the stairs to his room.

As soon as he's gone, I get high fives and laughs but not from Niall.



Hey guys! So incase you hadn't noticed, I changed her name to Skylar. I also am editing the first few chapters and made this a humor story. Oh and the story title kinda sucked so I changed that too. Same cover though...

I would like to say that the late update was because I was busy or because I had writers block, but really I'm just lazy =D haha sorry.

Thanks for the read!

Xoxo ~T

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