Chapter 17

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


Everything is white. Bright, blinding, frighteningly white. That's the first thing I see when I wake up. Did someone come into my room and steal all my colour? Not cool not cool bro.

The door opens and a man walks right in. Really? You're supposed to knock before entering someone's bedroom. Stupid people make me mad.

"Hi how are you doing dear?" The man asks. Seriously? You walk into my bedroom and then ask how I am doing? My room is white and I don't like you. How do you think I'm doing old man?

All I do though is glare at him.

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

"May as well, you're going to even if I say no now aren't you?" I cross my arms and pout.

"What is your name?" he asks me.

My jaw hangs open. "You come into my room, without knocking I might add, then ask to know my name?! I don't even know who you are!" I yell, "But I will tell you, my name is Skylar! Now you know who it is when you get a freaking restraining order you creep!"

He marks something down on a clipboard that I failed to notice he had. This guy gets creepier by the minute.

"How old are you?"

"You're a freaking cougar you know. I'm 15!" I yell. "And get out of my freaking bedroom.

He furrows his brows and oh my gosh he actually though he had a chance. EWWWWW!!!!!

"I said get out!!!" I scream. "You freaking pervert!"

He gets up and leaves, finally. I lay back on my bed and close my eyes. Maybe this is all just a dream.

Too soon I hear a quick knock and then the door open a bit. "Can I come in?" asks a slightly familiar voice.

"I guess so," I tell him without opening my eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" he asks. I swear his voice sounds familiar.

I think for a second, then, "You sound like Harry. But your voice is deeper."

He chuckles. "Who is Harry?"

"My twin brother." I say without thinking and open my eyes. I gasp. "You look like him too. A LOT like him." I furrow my eyebrows. "Except you have tattoos and you are older."

He smiles slightly and beckons someone else in. A lady comes in. I jump up and run into her arms. "MOM!"

She hugs me and I see a tear slip out of her eyes. "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Honey, there was an accident..." she cries a bit more. I hear the boy leave and the door shut.

"Is it Harry?" I demand. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"No. It's not Harry. Honey it was you," she whispers.

"What no mom I'm fine." I gesture to myself, "See look."

"Honey come with me for a sec," mom says, pulling my hand. She leads me to a bathroom and stands me in front of the mirror.

A strange girl is in the mirror. She looks kinda like me but not really.

I frown and she does the same. I gasp and turn toward my mom. "What's going on?"

"The ended up losing part of your memory." More tears slip down her cheeks.

I swallow. "How much?"

Her face is sad. "About three years."

"So that'" I ask, pointing to the mirror. She nods. "Well damn I got hawt."

She chuckles softly. "So I'm 18?" Mom nods. "So the boy was Harry?" Again she nods. "He's gonna grow old and look like he had a little kid draw on him with a black Sharpie..."

Just then, he walks in. Speak of the devil. "Well for now I'm damn hot," he laughs.

"You sure?" I ask. "Have you seen me? Not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty sure I got the good looks."

"Beep beep," he says. I laugh. He adds, "Doc says you should get your memory back slowly." I smile. "So right now you only remember things that happened before you were how old...?"

"I thought there was roughly a month till our 16th birthday." I inform him. He grins about something. "What's so funny?"

"You will remember eventually." He snickers.

"At least tell me how old I was when it happened."

He thinks for a moment. "Let's go with 17?" He's probably lying or he would not have said probably. Damn him.

"Come on guys we're going home!" Mom hollers.

"We are at the hospital?" I ask, puzzled.

"Yeah. Why did you think you woke up in a room of white?"

A blush forms on my cheeks. "I thought someone stole all the colour..." I mumble.

Harry laughs like a crazy man. "Seriously?"

"Shut up." I punch him hard in the arm. "OWW!"

"I still remember how to punch. I learned that the day you started walking." I said him, because I learned to walk quite a while before him and when he learned he followed me around.

"Right. I can't wait till you remember certain things you learned in boxing." He mumbles.

"I learned boxing?"

"Yeah. I actually got you into it. So don't kill me when you remember how. You almost killed me the first time. Once is enough for me."

"I tried to kill you?" Is he kidding.

The look on his face says he's not. "Yeah. It was accidental but pretty much."

"Why would I try and kill you?"

"Your first boxing lesson, I took you to a bar for your first taste of alcohol ..." wow. My smart twin. I got the looks and the brains apparently.

"Harry!" Mom hollers at us from the car. "Stop telling her things! She needs to remember herself!"

As soon as she turns around Haz and I burst out in laughter and when we get to the car, mom just rolls her eyes....which sends us into another fit.



Short I know I know but I'm happy with this chapter and at least I'm writing again so take that! HA!

MERP. So question. Would you like it if I did different P.O.Vs or no?

Comment please? *puppy dog face*


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