The other Side

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Yuvi entered to his bedroom. He looked visibly disturbed. He took a flower vase and throw that to the wall.

Yuvi: why??? Why I do the same mistake every day. How can I forget the truth???

🔴🔴 Warning self harming ahead. I do not promote self harming it's for the plot only.🔴🔴

Yuvi take out a blade.

He went to the bathroom. He has a life size mirror in his bathroom. He removed his shirt and gave a long cut to his chest.

He do this often . No one knows. Everytime he want to ease his pain . He chose to give himself another pain to forget the one.

He took long shower.

He came out from washroom.

He took out a picture of a girl from a secret place on his wardrobe.

He started talking to the picture.

Yuvi: I know I have to forget you. You love him. You're married to him. But I don't know how to do that. You're my bhabi in relation but still I'm madly in love with you. I wish you didn't love Aryan! I wish you loved me back like I did!!

I love you imlie!! I love you!! I don't know how to forget you when you're in front of my eyes always.

I can't forget our first meeting.

Precap: flashback

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