😈𝚂𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚜/𝚘😈

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"Bend down you tall ass motherfucker!" (Y/n) raged annoyed at their demon boyfriend who smirked at them. "Alright, alright shorty. Calm down, geez.." Selever chuckled with a huff as he bend down in order for his s/o to reach him. As soon as he was into their reach they grabbed him by his neck and kisses his cheek passionately.

The half demon chuckled to hide his blush, he absolutely adored the affection he was given by his lover. He returned the favor a few times more than they did and they pressed their forehead against his. "Now carry me!" They demanded and he sighed. "Yes babe." He grinned and scooped them up, making them yelp.

"OH YOU STUPID ASS MOTHERFUCKER!! THAT'S WAY TO SUDDEN YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTCK!!" They screamed while kicking and punching him. Selever's lover wasn't the strongest so the kicks and punches did nothing to him, he simply laughed at them and took them to his room.


Leaning against the door frame, Selever watched his lover trying to climb up onto the kitchen counter. They were too short to get to the higher kitchen cabinets and there wasn't something like a little ladder around here in the church. Selever, reaching a good 2.26 meters / 7.4 feet, compared to (y/n) reaching a smaller size. They were 1.50 meters / 4.9 feet, so that was a huge difference compared to their demon boyfriend.

Amazed by them finally being able to stand on the counter, he saw it happening... As they opened the cabinet, they lost balance. In reflex he ran over to them and caught them in bridal style. "Told you shorty, gotta be careful because this guardian demon will not always be there to protect you." He smirked as the clutched onto their left side of their chest, breathing heavily.

"Now tell me darling, what did you need?" He asks putting his lover down onto one of the seats at the kitchen table. As they caught their breath, they spoke: "Cocoa powder.. I wanted to make some hot cocoa for both of us..." They whispered and he blushed softly. "Oh, sorry if I ruined the surprise shorty." He nervously chuckles. "You saved my life though.." The smiled and he nodded. "Fair enough." He shrugged and together they made some nice hot cocoa with extra EXTRA marshmallows!

. Selever x Reader ~ One Shots & Scenarios .Where stories live. Discover now