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I heard a buzzing sound in the night. I woke up reaching for my phone.

I saw Bella Swan's name on the screen. I took it without hesitation.

-Hello Bella is one in the morning...- I started in a sleepy voice

-I know but I need to talk to someone - She started - I dreamed that Edward is in my room standing over the bed and looking at me is it paranoia? - She asked embarrassed

-Don't stress too much, drink warm milk and go to bed tomorrow trip - I advised

- Goodnight,- she replied

-Goodnight.- I said then hung up

I got out of bed, took my clothes from the armchair that I had prepared for the trip and went to the bathroom.

I put on some light makeup and grabbed my backpack.

When I was about to leave the house, Klaus stopped me.

-Where are you going at 3am?-He asked

-I have to do some errands then I'm going to school-I explained

I got in the car and threw my backpack on the back seat. I started the car on the way to the Cullens' house.

After an hour I was there. Furious, I knocked on the door.

The father of the family opened it for me.

-Has something happened?-He asked

-Is Edward there?- I asked and after a moment a blonde haired boy appeared next to Carlisle

-Yeah?-He asked as he left Carlisle and entered the house

-Listen, breaking in is punishable, you know?! - I asked nervously and he looked at me crookedly - You were at Bella's when she was sleeping, it's sick

-I like to watch you sleep, I'm in love understand

-Are you threatening her, and what if another vampire wants to hurt her because of you?-I asked and he looked at me dissatisfied

-I won't let that happen-, he replied

-Let's hope it's just an innocent girl - I whispered looking at him and then headed to the car

There was a collection at 6 in the morning, so I went straight to school. There were already two school buses parked in the parking lot. I gave permission to my biology teacher and looked at Bella as she parked.

I got out of the car and looked at the concrete, then at the car.

I spotted the Cullens and she looked at them as if in a trance. But she stopped when Mike stood in front of her.

-Let's look at you, are you alive?- Mike asked, staring at Belle

-False alarm - Bella replied embarrassed

- I wanted to ask, it's true ... it's still a month but ... - He began to stutter and Bella was staring at Edward at the time - Would you go with me to the graduation party? What do you think?"- Mike asked smiling

-For what?- Bella asked thoughtfully

-Will you go? - Mike continued - On prom? With me?-He nervously fiddled with the strap of his backpack

-For the prom? Dancing is a bad idea for me um and besides I have plans this weekend I'm going to Jacksonville- She explained

-You can't any other time- He started dissatisfied blond

-I can't return the ticket - She replied looking towards the bus where Jessica was standing - Ask Jessica, I know she would like to go with you

The teacher shouted announcing the rally. I stopped eavesdropping and got on the bus.

In the greenhouse, the teacher showed us how to make tea from the waste in the composter.

Eric took the teacher's cup of tea. He set off running through the greenhouses. Unfortunately, he slipped and the entire contents of the drink splashed Mike's shoes.

I laughed under my breath. The biology teacher walked towards them nervously.

After the situation with Eric and Mike, I started looking at Bella and Edward.

Edward followed Bella as usual. But this time he explained to her that they couldn't be friends.

Bella, on the other hand, insisted on how Edward pushed the van.

After leaving the greenhouse, I saw Eric walking towards me with a worm on a stick.

-Look at the worm - He started cheerful as a child

-It's an earthworm - I replied and he, seeing that I'm not afraid of the "worm", left

I went to the buses where there was supposed to be a desk. Bella was standing by the second bus with Edward. When Alice and Jasper approached, the blonde entered the bus, leaving Belle embarrassed.

I sat down with Bella on the bus. She told me that her mother was worried about the accident.

-It'll be fine.- I replied looking at the brunette

-I don't know, Edward explains pushing the truck away with adrenaline, but I don't believe him. Is it weird? Am I paranoid? - She asked staring at me

-He is weird,- I replied

The rest of the way we talked about the upcoming test. We both got off the bus and headed to our cars. Each of us went in a different direction.

When I got home, I saw Klaus in front of the house. He smiled at me, waving a paper bag with the bar's logo on it. where the dinner was.

I was sitting with Klaus in the living room talking about the trip and eating dinner.

-What are you going to do with Edward?- Klaus asked smiling at me

-Nothing, I'll wait for the situation to develop, if he hurts this girl, I'll expose him to the volturi. But that's not going to happen, I'm more afraid these visa characters will mess with Forbs

After dinner, I watched a movie with Klaus and then went to the bathroom to do my evening routine.

Around 2am I went to bed and fell asleep immediately.

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