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One week later

When I got better, the Cullens invited me to a game. A car picked me up, with Damon behind the wheel and Edward and Bella in the back, and I joined them. Seeing Carlisle ahead.

-So how's it going, Tatia? -The doctor began

-Great,- I replied briefly, looking out the window at the blurred landscape

Last night I didn't sleep, I had nightmares. I sent the school and overdue work to the teachers' e-mail a long time ago.

-And why isn't Klaus here? - Damon asked curiously

I haven't contacted him since the restaurant. I had no need to do so.

Yesterday, the herd picked up Victoria's scent at night. Klaus hasn't returned yet.

-Herd matters -I explained

-And why can you enter the reserve? - She asked curiously

-Because I'm a witch - I explained - Immortality increased my power and kept me young, but it's undetectable to wolves and vampires

-"You smell like a rose, not a vampire,- Edward replied, frowning

-Well, this is supposed to protect me from strangers, -I added

-And wolves like the smell of flowers, don't they? - Damon asked sarcastically

-"Possibly,- I replied, shrugging my shoulders and going back to looking at the landscape

When we arrived, we divided into teams. Since there were too many people, Bella became a judge. I was sitting in the van watching the game and helping Bella while Damon was watching the game cheering for Emmet.

A storm began and the thunder drowned out the blows of the vampires. However, the ball went far. Alice suddenly stopped in the middle of the field.

Everyone gathered together and I smelled James' scent and grabbed Edward, pulling him to the side.

-They're coming here, stand by Bella - I started. The rest of the vampires looked at me worriedly and Bella glanced at me, frowning.

Three vampires started walking out of the forest and stopped two meters from us.

-"It's your ball,-Lorenzo replied, throwing the ball to the head of the family

-Thank you, -Carlisle replied

-I'm Lorenzo and this - He pointed to the red-haired woman - Victoria and James

-"Carlisle, this is my family,-the Doctor replied and I felt Damon covering me with his body

-Hello,- replied the black man

-Your hunting complicates our lives,- Carlisle replied seriously

-We're sorry, we didn't know this was your territory,- Lorenzo replied, looking at James

-We live here permanently,- Carlisle replied firmly

-Really? - Lorenzo asked, looking at James

And I noticed James looking at Edward. I felt tension between them, a very negative one.

-We won't cause any more trouble, we're just passing through,- the black man replied politely

-They were tracking us but we directed them to the east - Victoria replied - You are safe

-Perfect, -Carlisle replied

-So, couldn't you use three players? Come on, just give me one match - Lorenzo started

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